from recent news in the world

2024年11月07日 08時34分19秒 | 新聞記事から
米大統領選挙で トランプ氏が勝利の見込み ハリス氏破る 勝利宣言の中で、「『すべてを米国第一』にすることから始める」、と述べた  来年一月に就任するが、どのような内政、外交政策を打ち出すかが今後の焦点である
The US presidential election voting was done on November 5 and its ballot counting started the same day. And the next day on November 6 a lot of the US major mass media reported one after another that Donald Trump, 78, from the Republican Party likely will win the election, defeating Kamala Harris,60, vice president at present, from the Democratic Party, who was seeking the first president as an Asian descent in the US. Victory -assured Donald Trump delivered his victory speech at West Palm Beach in Florida, near his residence, around the dawn of November 6, and said, " I would like to start things with the America-the-first policy." As he will take office next January after a four-year interval, the focal point from now is what kinds of domestic and foreign policies he will actually hammer out.
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