from today's Nikkei

2007年04月25日 09時27分33秒 | 新聞記事から
特殊法人の独立法人移行時 政府、欠損金12兆円穴埋め 出資金相殺 明確な説明なく
It has been learned that when the government transformed 54 specially-established corporations,such as Employment and Human Resources Development Organization of Japan or National Space Development Agency of Japan,to 49 independent administrative organizations,it made up for their accumulated deficits of 12 trillion yen by the public funds.This means that in the process of the ex-specially-establishe corporations' becoming the new organizations,their deficits accumulated in the past were compensated by the government's subscriptions,which were equivalent to the private sector's corporations' capitals.As the government took such administartive measures without any explicit explanation to the public,it may be blamed for the lack of accountability.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年04月24日 10時01分39秒 | 新聞記事から
貿易保険料、1-4割安く 東京海上日動など 4損保取り扱い 大企業向けも参入解禁
According to sources,four indemnity insurance companies,including Tokio Marine & Nichido, will participate in the business of trade insurance service for domestic major companies. Up to now,the service of this kind has been provided by the government-affiliated entity Japan Trade Insurance in a monopolistic basis. But now after a deregulation,the private sector's entities can handle the service. According to the people concerned, the premiums thses private sector's insurance companies charge for their services will be about 10-40 percent lower than that of the government's insurance entity.Providing this kind of cheaper insurance srevices will make the Japan's companies' export costs lower than before and surely boost their competence in the global market.

参考:損害保険の言い方としては、indemnity insurance, property and casualty insurance, nonlife insurance などがある。生命保険は life insurance.
保険金はpremium 年金の保険金もpremium。似た言葉にcontributionがある。反対に受けとる方のお金はbenefit(s)と言う。

the business of trade insurance service はtrade insurance service business でももちろんいい。このとき、基本はinsurance もservice も単数にする。(名詞を形容詞として扱うときは原則として単数にするから。複数に意味があるときはこの限りでない。この技術は簡単そうだが身につけると表現力の幅が広がります。)

the Japan's companies' export costs のようにJapan's と companies' のように所有格が二度続くことはあまり見かけないけれども、続けていけないわけではない。

1-4割は、from 10 to 40 percent で from to を使ってもいい。しかし、間単に10-40の表現を使う。読み方は、ten to forty です。1-4割りやすくを動詞で表現すれば、1-4割安くは前置詞のbyで表現する。つまり例えば、The premium is reduced by 10- 40 percent.They will reduce their premiums by 10 to 40 percent.
somewhere を使えばsomewhere between 10 and 40 percentsでしょうか。ここでpercentを複数にしているのは、somewhere between 10 percent and 40 percent がもともとで、10のあとのpercentを省いて40のあとのpercent と一緒にまとめているのでpercents になるのではなかろうかとは私の理屈ですが、あまり自信はない。じゃ何故10-40 percentは単数かと言えば、10-40が一つの概念だから、と言うのが私の理屈です。「10から40の間のどこかの数値」と言う概念です。

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from today's Nikkei

2007年04月23日 09時37分54秒 | 新聞記事から
東証が「種類株」市場 年内にも 資金調達の幅広げる 優先株や議決権制限 上場基準、株主に配慮
The Tokyo Stock Exchange intends to create the market for class shares,which are different from common stocks in receiving dividends or exercising the voting rights in shareholders' meetings, within the year.Companies will raise up the money from the capital market more easily than before by issuing the preferred stocks without voting right,which could be paid dividends by them prior to common stockst,instead of having the voting right in shareholders' meeting. From the investors' viewpoint,
TSE7's trial will expand the choice of investments,because it will become more available for investors to buy and sell (trade) the so-called class shares.In the process of this new challenge,TSE likely will revise the standards for stocks' new listing.It also will put much emphasis on taking the shareholders' intersets into consideration.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年04月22日 13時56分33秒 | 新聞記事から
石炭発電CO2排出ゼロ 日米中など5カ国で開発 年内にも合意 温暖化対策 欧州と競う
It is learned that five coutries such as Japan,China and the United States will jointly develop the next-generation coal-thermal power generation stations which will not emit the so-called greenhouse-effect gases.They will reduce the emission of carbon dioxide from the stations to virtually zero by devising the underground storage system of carbon dioxide.These contents will be included in a five-coutry agreement, which will be reached within the year. The aim of the agreement is to vie for the leadership with European countries in taking measures against the global warming.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年04月21日 13時04分14秒 | 新聞記事から
景気拡大「1年以上続く」44%に増加 消費回復、半数が認識 米景気減速を懸念82%
According to a survey dubbed " Presidents 100 Persons Questionnaire" compiled by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 87% of all the respondents replied that Japan's economy was expanding.The figure,80% is a slight decline from the previous 90% ( December,2006),but sentiments of many business executives are optimistic.Those responding that economic expansion will continue for more than one year came to be 44%,up from the previous survey's 35%.And the recognition that consumer spending is expanding also is shared by nearly half respondents.Meanwhile, 82% of respondents are concerned about the U.S. economy's getting down.

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