日銀見通し 2年連続マイナス成長 09年度2%戦後最悪 CP・社債買い取り白川総裁「不確実性高い」
Bank of Japan made open at the January 22nd monetary policy meeting its estimate that Japan's economic growth for fiscal 2008 and 2009 will be minus 1.8 percent and minus 2.0 percent, respectively,which would be the worst declines for two years in a row after the World War.Bank of Japan's Governor Akira Shirakawa said at the news conference that the outlook for the future is very highly uncertain. At its January 22 nd meeting,Bank of Japan decided to purchase comercial papers and corporate bonds issued by domestic companies up to the level worth 3 trillion yen.
Bank of Japan made open at the January 22nd monetary policy meeting its estimate that Japan's economic growth for fiscal 2008 and 2009 will be minus 1.8 percent and minus 2.0 percent, respectively,which would be the worst declines for two years in a row after the World War.Bank of Japan's Governor Akira Shirakawa said at the news conference that the outlook for the future is very highly uncertain. At its January 22 nd meeting,Bank of Japan decided to purchase comercial papers and corporate bonds issued by domestic companies up to the level worth 3 trillion yen.