from today's Nikkei

2013年09月04日 11時47分02秒 | 新聞記事から
貿易保険の補償拡大 テロ・災害 事業中断も対象 経産省 13年ぶり法改正へ

The government will review the present trade insurance system into which companies doing their businesses overseas could enter for their possible damages.This revison comes for the first time in 13 yeras.Requirements of compensation for emergencies like terrorism and violences will be eased so that even a temporary suspension of their business can be repaired, as well as impossibility of business continuation.This decision was made by the government, which is seeking to help domestic companies advance in foreign countries, in the circumstances where possible risks have come to the surface in emerging economies,after a terrorist attack in Algeria this spring.
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from today's Nikkei

2013年09月03日 16時32分23秒 | 新聞記事から
大飯原発 「活断層でない」 3・4号機 安全審査再開へ 規制委 有識者会合で一致

The Nuclear Regulation Authority held its experts meeting on Monday and concluded that the fault running beneath the grounds of Ohi neclear plant, located in Fukui Prefecture, was not active. The plant is operated by Kansai Electric Power Comany. Thanks to this conclusion, the company is expected to have the No3 and No4 reactors of the plant go through a safety screenings by the regulation authority for the reactors' operation.
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from a September 1 Nikkei

2013年09月02日 18時32分48秒 | 新聞記事から
次世代電力計 全国共通に 自由化後の競争促す 経産省

According to the people concerend,the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry will start to discuss how to make standard specifications usable nationwide for the next generation power meter,smart meter. Power retail business is now actually monopolized by each local power company, but after the liberalization of the business is realized,setting up such specifications will certainly make the business environment more flexible. To be more clear, any power company could participate in the business wherever the service area is.
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