オサンポ take a walk - 梅 Japanese plum tree

2015年03月22日 | 日記

Many Japanese plums are now getting out of season.
The sun light is getting to be stronger.
Each everyday.

おー梅が綺麗に咲いて…アチコチで色々な種類の梅の花を楽しんでいたかと思っていたら、気付くと春の雰囲気が濃くなっていてそしてまた気付けば早咲きの桜が咲き始めていたりして。「♫めーぐぅーる~ めぐる季節の中で~ あーなたは~ 何を 見つけるぅだろう~」(by 松山千春「季節の中で」) 詩人になりたしと思えども、詩人の道は険し。
Oh, there were lost of different types of Japanese plums trees blooming... I enjoyed seeing them. Now, the spring has been coming, we could see cherry blossoms which are early flowering. I remember some song composed by Chiharu Matsuyama, "in the seasons", the part of lyric is in the changing season, what things you will find... (something like that).
I'd like to be a poet, I wouldn't think it is easy.