断捨離 Danshari=getting rid of the clutter in my life - manga

2015年03月13日 | 日記

Danshari is
Going on

押入れの中のマンガ。いつかまた読もうと思いつつイツヨム君になること易し。久しぶりに手にしたマンガは、自分で買った覚えはなく、だいぶ昔に友達からもらったもの? カビとかのせいか茶色の点々がアチコチに出来ていて捨て時が来てるな、ってことで読んで資源ゴミに出しました。なむ~。片付けを始めるとアラこんなモノが的にアチコチから色々なモノが出てキテ。それにまつわるストーリーなどに思いを巡らしていると時間かすぐに経ってしまっテ。「断捨離」継続中でごわす。
I have put those manga in the bookshelf. I thought I would read them again someday, but I didn't. I don't think I bought them by myself, some friend might have gave me. They have many brown spots caused by mold(?), it is the time to get away. I read through all of them and recycled. When I tidy up about the things in my room, I start to think about each story. Then, taking time. I'm still keep on doing Danshari.
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