The trunk of Sakura tree
It got the evening sun
In early spring
桜の蕾はあれどまだ風が冷たくぎゅっとしていて硬いままで。このよーな時期に聴きたくなる&歌いたくなる歌の一つが「早春賦」です。♫春は名のみの~風の寒さや~♫ この次がなかなか覚えられないのですが、知りたい時にサッと検索出来る"ネット"、便利っすねー~。♫谷の鶯歌は思えど~♫ だそーで。オサンポしながら口ずさむのに、丁度いいテンポかと。♫時にあらずと 声もたてず♫~♫
We know any Sakura trees ( Japanese cherry ) has got many buds on themselves but there are still cold winds, it seems that time of bloom hasn't come yet. Around this time, I would like to listen to and sing some song, it's 「早春賦」( Sohshumfu ) ( the early spring song ) it's an old song, the temp is slow, the song would be good to sing when you are walking.
The trunk of Sakura tree
It got the evening sun
In early spring
桜の蕾はあれどまだ風が冷たくぎゅっとしていて硬いままで。このよーな時期に聴きたくなる&歌いたくなる歌の一つが「早春賦」です。♫春は名のみの~風の寒さや~♫ この次がなかなか覚えられないのですが、知りたい時にサッと検索出来る"ネット"、便利っすねー~。♫谷の鶯歌は思えど~♫ だそーで。オサンポしながら口ずさむのに、丁度いいテンポかと。♫時にあらずと 声もたてず♫~♫
We know any Sakura trees ( Japanese cherry ) has got many buds on themselves but there are still cold winds, it seems that time of bloom hasn't come yet. Around this time, I would like to listen to and sing some song, it's 「早春賦」( Sohshumfu ) ( the early spring song ) it's an old song, the temp is slow, the song would be good to sing when you are walking.