
Twi, twi, twi,
The Japanese tit
The day that insects come out of the land ( come out from hibernation )
春が来た、来ている、来つつある。行きつ戻りつ季節は巡る。最近雨が多いのは季節の変わり目ダカラ? 寒くなくなるのはウレシイけど、暑くなるのは困る…。鳥タチにとっては「春♡」カモですが、春は実は複雑。
Spring has just come, has come, has been coming. Go forward and back, four seasons come around. I'm happy with not being cold but I don't like "hot" = summer. Birds must be happy with spring :) but I wouldn't be...half happy.

Twi, twi, twi,
The Japanese tit
The day that insects come out of the land ( come out from hibernation )
春が来た、来ている、来つつある。行きつ戻りつ季節は巡る。最近雨が多いのは季節の変わり目ダカラ? 寒くなくなるのはウレシイけど、暑くなるのは困る…。鳥タチにとっては「春♡」カモですが、春は実は複雑。
Spring has just come, has come, has been coming. Go forward and back, four seasons come around. I'm happy with not being cold but I don't like "hot" = summer. Birds must be happy with spring :) but I wouldn't be...half happy.