日乗 diary - トイレットペーパー toilet paper roll

2015年03月28日 | 日記
ハロー キティー!と

When we open the door
We will meet
"Hello, Kitty!"

いやあ家のトイレでキティーちゃんに会うとは。サンリオはユルいんすかね? キティーちゃんがオケツ拭きに使われテ。コレ、ミッキーマウスではあり得ないだろ~な~と思いました。しかし昔々はこんなん絵付きのトイレットペーパーなんて、とっても高かったハズ。今じゃ安売りレベルなんすね? 印刷技術が発達してコストが下がったとかデスカ? いやはや長く生きていると様々な雑念がわいてキティー…。
Wow, I didn't think that I bumped into Hello Kitty at the bathroom in my house. Well, there was Sanrio's copyright on the papers, is the company OK? with...people wipe their own seat of honor. I think that Disney never allow Mickey Mouse to do that. By the way, around 10 or 20 years ago, we had the similar ones but it was special, and very expensive. Now its cost gets down? Like on sale at cheap price. It might be a technology for printing pictures on toilet paper developed? I see...I think a lot about anything... Because I've lived for a long time? not so long yet though...
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