They might be migrant birds
I also fly with them
To their destination
ベタと言うか、小学生みたいな俳句(?)ですな? 「渡り鳥」は秋の季語らしいですな? 近所の電線にばーっと連なってとまっていました。雀より大きく茶色灰色ッポイ配色。ナンテ名の鳥だったのでしょう。ふとこの光景に見覚えがあるかも? やっぱ去年の今頃的な? 曖昧な記憶で居心地が悪いですが、多分去年も同じことを思ったよーな。とここでふと、年年歳歳花相似たり…が頭に浮かんできました。自然の毎年の変わらぬ営みに炙り出されるヒトの変わってゆく営み。状況にさしたる変化は無くても、心情の変化はあるカモ知れない。「渡り鳥」を見てそんなことを連想する。詩人ッポイですな?
The poem wouldn't be good...it's like a primary student writes. "Migrant bird" is a season word for winter for haiku. The many birds, which were bigger than sparrow, brown and gray, were on the electric wires. I thought that I would have seen those birds last year, might be in the same situation. I remembered one of Chinese poems, it says " flowers are the same as them last year " " but as human, our lives are changeable ". I thought lots of things just by seeing the migrant birds. Well, am I like a poet?
They might be migrant birds
I also fly with them
To their destination
ベタと言うか、小学生みたいな俳句(?)ですな? 「渡り鳥」は秋の季語らしいですな? 近所の電線にばーっと連なってとまっていました。雀より大きく茶色灰色ッポイ配色。ナンテ名の鳥だったのでしょう。ふとこの光景に見覚えがあるかも? やっぱ去年の今頃的な? 曖昧な記憶で居心地が悪いですが、多分去年も同じことを思ったよーな。とここでふと、年年歳歳花相似たり…が頭に浮かんできました。自然の毎年の変わらぬ営みに炙り出されるヒトの変わってゆく営み。状況にさしたる変化は無くても、心情の変化はあるカモ知れない。「渡り鳥」を見てそんなことを連想する。詩人ッポイですな?
The poem wouldn't be good...it's like a primary student writes. "Migrant bird" is a season word for winter for haiku. The many birds, which were bigger than sparrow, brown and gray, were on the electric wires. I thought that I would have seen those birds last year, might be in the same situation. I remembered one of Chinese poems, it says " flowers are the same as them last year " " but as human, our lives are changeable ". I thought lots of things just by seeing the migrant birds. Well, am I like a poet?