
The udo is standing and seeing
There are some singing birds
In the sky
春の季語、何かナイかしら~と探してて見つけた「独活」。「ヒトリイキル?」とかって勘ぐったら、なんと「ウド」のことでした。何故この漢字を当てがったのでせう。芯の太い若芽がニョキっと地面から出てきて、葉を広げる前は一本立ちしているよーに見えるから? 色々な「言葉」があって色々な理由があって色々な意味があって。興味深いですなー。
I was wondering if there are some "spring words" for Haiku. I found 独活. I thought 独活 means live alone. But it is a name of plant, Udo. The person who named it as 独活, he/she must have had a nice sense of naming. When Udo's bud comes out of soil, it seems like a straight stick, standing alone.
I'm really interested in words which are various, have many reasons and meanings.

The udo is standing and seeing
There are some singing birds
In the sky
春の季語、何かナイかしら~と探してて見つけた「独活」。「ヒトリイキル?」とかって勘ぐったら、なんと「ウド」のことでした。何故この漢字を当てがったのでせう。芯の太い若芽がニョキっと地面から出てきて、葉を広げる前は一本立ちしているよーに見えるから? 色々な「言葉」があって色々な理由があって色々な意味があって。興味深いですなー。
I was wondering if there are some "spring words" for Haiku. I found 独活. I thought 独活 means live alone. But it is a name of plant, Udo. The person who named it as 独活, he/she must have had a nice sense of naming. When Udo's bud comes out of soil, it seems like a straight stick, standing alone.
I'm really interested in words which are various, have many reasons and meanings.