オサンポ take a walk - 桜 Sakura/Japanese cherry blossoms

2015年03月29日 | 日記

Begun to bloom

I knew that it was going to rain in the afternoon by the weather forecast but I had got something to do, when I noticed it, it begun to rain. I would like to buy canned foods that were on sales until the end of this month for my cats, you know, they are heavy so I would like to go to the shop by bicycle but it was raining but I went to there by bicycle, before that, I took the photo of Sakura above, that was near my house, the weather forecast told us it would rain this weekend, around the weekend, Sakura will have full bloom, oh my god, around this time, we usually have some rainy days, why? When I took the photo, I was thinking like that.
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