
When we look up,
Just look up.
When we look down,
Just look down.
おそらく"スノーポール"という名前の花だと思うのですが。順々に咲いていく過程を詳しく見ていくと面白いと思いました。最初の蕾の状態の時は、何か宇宙船のデッキの扉のよーに、ガッチリと組み合わさって閉じているけど、それが徐々にゆるんで来て開いていくと…。と、ここまで書いて改めて写真を見たのですが、コレって、並べた写真通りに咲いてますかね? ハテ?
It would be " Snow Pole", I think. I am interested in the process of flowering. At the beginning, the bud is like a door of a space ship. It seems sticking together but it is getting to open...
Oh? I just noticed something about the order of the photos... Is it correct?
Anyway, what I would like to say is that they think about functionality but they don't design. As for human, I think that it is well designed. VIVA, natures!

When we look up,
Just look up.
When we look down,
Just look down.
おそらく"スノーポール"という名前の花だと思うのですが。順々に咲いていく過程を詳しく見ていくと面白いと思いました。最初の蕾の状態の時は、何か宇宙船のデッキの扉のよーに、ガッチリと組み合わさって閉じているけど、それが徐々にゆるんで来て開いていくと…。と、ここまで書いて改めて写真を見たのですが、コレって、並べた写真通りに咲いてますかね? ハテ?
It would be " Snow Pole", I think. I am interested in the process of flowering. At the beginning, the bud is like a door of a space ship. It seems sticking together but it is getting to open...
Oh? I just noticed something about the order of the photos... Is it correct?
Anyway, what I would like to say is that they think about functionality but they don't design. As for human, I think that it is well designed. VIVA, natures!