スズメ見なくね?48 we haven't seen many sparrows

2018年11月17日 | 日記

I can meet
Sparrows at the big city
In the morning

近頃の朝は天気が良くても、起きて窓の外から雀の声を聞く…とかあんまりないんですが、冬は夏より回数って減りましたっけ? っていう記憶が曖昧なところも、いちいち意識しなくても「常にいた」ってことだよなぁとか…考えたりします。

I was wondering... if there was more opportunities to meet sparrows in the big city rather than in the country side (residence area).....I feel sad a bit.
Recently, even if it was fine in the morning, it would be less opportunities to hear sparrow's songs... I'm not sure if it's less than summer, during winter. My memories about them, it's like haze. It means, they were always around us, anytime. That's why, I (we) didn't pay attentions to them all of the time. Is that so?

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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