オサンポ walk - ドクダミ出てる? doku-dami(s) popping out?

2018年11月27日 | 日記

It's not their season
But they are showing up
Of the ground

ドクダミの葉? っぽい双葉? とか、見つけた気になりました。ドクダミですか? それとも似たような葉を持つ何かか…? ここ1、2日は肌寒い感じですが、その前までは、ドクダミが葉を出す辺りの雰囲気(気温)に、似てたのでしょうかね?

A yellow brown leaf a and smaller green one, are they doku-dami? Is it cotyledon? I thought so. Or, a plant that has the similar ones? Today and yesterday, a bit chilly but before the days, it's been mild. The temperatures and atmosphere are similar to their season when they show up of the ground?

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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