オサンポ walk - 秋、鳩の水浴び doves are bathing in autumn

2018年11月20日 | 日記

In the late autumn
The doves are bathing
From morning in autumn

しかしニンゲンには難しいと思われる今朝の気温での水浴び。鳩、恐るべし! 羽毛ってどんだけ暖かいんでしょう。

When I was walking to the bus stop, at the edge of my eyes, I sighted something flew up, looked at, there were two doves in the puddle. Two of dove would have flown, there would have been four ones, it looked no space for them, they would not have cared about that. During photographing, one dove got out of it, he(she?) would not have liked me to do that. Sorry for interrupting. But another one have settled down in it. She(he?) likes it very much. Or, it's after a long time.
In this morning, a bit cooler (or chillier). For humans, it must be difficult to do that, but yes they can. How much warm their feather! I'm impressed.

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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