My travell was cancelled
It was the first time for my life
Oh such a miserable last year
予定通りに稼げてカラダの不調も落ち着けば、今年は行くぞだった。GO TO で多勢が動き、成り行きに不安を感じていたが、今のところは静観できそうなのだろうか。しかし先行きが不透明な中では気軽になれない。そんなに遠くも無い場所が、遠い。
Last year, we'd got a lot of typhoons, too much, we were fed up with that. It's now coming a typhoon to Japan island.
I was planning to visit my old friend with a friend of mine last year in the same as this season. But it was cancelled because of the big typhoon. It was the firt time for me in my life.
My old friend prepared to have us with treat special meals such as Japanese chestnut in rice, wagyu steak and visiting at a Soba restaurant, etc. A friend of mine and me ate nothing, all of them would have been eaten by my old friend.
Last year, for me, it was tough time. It was like one unfortunate occurrence after another. So, I'd like to feel change and take a bath for a ceremony to drive away evil spirits, also relaxed.
And, we've go coronavirus. Our government has been having the campaign, GO TO travell. Many people go travelling, I'm afraind if a number of the patient will be increasing... My old friend is nor so far from my home but I feel so far...
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
My PIXTA page : https://creator.pixta.jp/@prof772948/photos