Take care of your eyes
When you get a trouble
It will be hard
Tomorrow morning, I found that my eye got red so I was shocked with that. But I knew the reason because I'd got the same symptom around 10 years ago. At the first time, I soon went to see a doctor.
I felt insecure about that but the doctor was definitely calm and said to me, "It must be just cut some capillaries on your eye, don't worry. When people get old, it happens sometimes". So, no any medical treatment and I wouldn't remember that if I got an eye-drops.
After that, I got a little one for the second time, now it is the third time. I hope that I will get better soon!
I've got a few troubles with the eyes. I've got a sick many years ago that was closed the eyelid of right. I got a special medicine to cure it, after around a half year, my eye opened.
I also feel too bright to the sunlight. There is no sick on the eyes but for protcting, I wear the hat when I go outside. Let's take care our eyes together, I recommend it to you all.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.