オサンポ walk - 植物plant: 金木犀 The orange osmanthus

2020年10月08日 | 日記




It's an orange osmanthus

I didn't know a name of you

I was passing you sometimes









It's frequently raining. I thought that it rained but not it stopped. The clouds that looked like heavy was stayed at the corner of the sky. Around here, there were brighten clouds around here. I gussed that it was not going to rain, anyway.

The asphalt roads were wet but shining. It would have told me that it has just stopped raining. It was not obscurity yet but not so bright, between day and night. The winds might have explained us about that, the one was dry and cool but the other one was a bit wet, that were chainging when the directions of wind swtitched places.

I've seen two cats there. But recently, I have'nt seen one of them. I saw a cat that looked like one of the cat(stripe), but I was not sure, beause the cat ran away as soon as we bumped into each other. The other cat(white), he(she?) was under the car, he made his body like a box.

I was walking ahead along the concrete walls. I found a little plant that had very tidy leaves at the narrow gap on the walls. I took a glance at them when passing by.

Turning left then walking straight to the supermarket. There was only on tree that had many green leaves and height was taller than me at my direction. I've know the tree there. I was going to just pass by. But I found that something orange colour among the leaves.

That's was orange osmanthus! Their flower, the colour was vivid but the fragrance was soft though I thought stranger. It was the day that I had known this tree was orange osmanthus.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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