

ExoMars 2016 Missionが始まります

2016-10-14 00:04:14 | EXOMARS

いよいよ10月16日にSchiaparelli と TGO(Trace Gas Orbiter)が火星を目の前にしてそれぞれの任務に就くため分離します。
ExoMars 2016 Missionの開始となりますね~

分離直後のビデオ :http://exploration.esa.int/mars/57431-exomars-2016-tgo-and-schiaparelli-approaching-mars/
EDLのビデオ :http://exploration.esa.int/mars/58407-schiaparellis-descent-to-mars/

下表は、ExoMars 2016 Missionのタイムラインです。
着陸は、19日の14:42 UTC(23時42分 JST) に火星大気突入です。 

ExoMars 2016 Timeline

Launch [1] 14 March 2016 at 09:31 UTC
Testing NASA radio transponder Early April
Commissioning of Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) instruments Up until 6 weeks after launch
Commissioning of Schiaparelli instruments Up until 6 weeks after launch
Checkout of TGO instruments [2] 12-16 June
Checkout of DREAMS and DECA [3] 15-17 June
Cruise phase Up until end June
Deep space trajectory manoeuvres
Largest engine burn [45]
Mid July – mid August 2016
28 July
Navigation measurements (delta-DOR) September – October 2016
Start of 24/7 ground station contact with TGO 9 October 2016
Schiaparelli – TGO separation 16 October 2016
TGO performs Mars avoidance manoeuvre 17 October 2016
TGO insertion into Mars orbit 19 October 2016
Schiaparelli lands on Mars 19 October 2016
Schiaparelli science operations 19 - 23 October 2016
TGO changes inclination to science orbit (74°) 17 January 2017
Apocentre reduction manoeuvres
(from the initial 4-sol orbit to a 1-sol orbit)
December 2016
Aerobraking phase (TGO lowers its altitude to 400 km circular orbit) January 2017 – November 2017
TGO science operations December 2017 – December 2019
TGO starts data relay operations to support NASA landers on Mars December 2017
Superior solar conjunction
(critical operations are paused while the Sun is between Earth and Mars)
11 July - 11 August 2017
Start of the TGO data relay operations to support communications
for the rover mission and for the surface science platform
April 2021
End of TGO mission December 2022


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