Nanohana-chirashi is a kind of sushi which is called chirashizushi.
We make this sushi because we have a celebration for girls, called the Dolls’ Festival, on the 3rd of March each year. Chirashi means “scattered”. The colour combination is important to make the dish look attractive, so a lot of colours are usually used. The dish is for the girls, so that is the reason why the dish is made look so lovely.
In celebration of the festival, families display elaborate dolls of the emperor and empress, and attendants. We then serve this dish.
[ Ingredients ] 6-8 servings

A: Nanohana… field mustard // rape blossoms 150g
Nibandashi…second-run stock 1 cup
Soy sauce 1 tablespoon
Sake…Japanese cooking wine 1 tablespoon
B: Sushi-gohan…rice seasoned with vinegar 5 cups see the Ehohmaki page
C: Kanpyou…Gourd Strip 10g see the Ehohmaki page
D: hoshi-shiitake…dried mushroom 6
Nibandashi 1 cup
Sugar 2 tablespoons
Soy sauce 1 tablespoon
E: Yaki-anago…baked conger eel 100g
Sugar 1 tablespoon
Mirin…Japanese sweet sake 1 tablespoon
Sake 2 tablespoons
Soy sauce 1 1/2 tablespoons
Water 3 tablespoons
F: Renkon…lotus root Nelumbo nucifera 3cm
Sanbai-zu…vinegar mixture containing soy sauce and mirin (or sugar), often diluted with dashi. 1/3 cup
f: Vinegar 1/2 cup
Sugar 1 1/2 tablespoons
Soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon
Salt 1/2 teaspoon
Nibandshi 1/3 cup
G: Shibaebi…shrimp 24
H: Egg 4
Salt, Oil a little
I: Beni-shouga…pickled ginger ( pink ) appropriate

① Wash the field mustard and boil it for about 1 min.
Then, put it in cold water straight away.
② Bring the A’s ingredients to the boil, then turn off the heat and cool the pan on cold water.
Put the field mustard in the pan. Leave it for about 30 mins.
③ Wash the kanpyo with salt and boil it until soft.
Then, cut it finely.
④ Next, put the dried shiitake-mushrooms into cold water and leave it until soft.
After that, cut it finely.
⑤ Then, put the kanpyo, shiitake-mushrooms and the D’s ingredients in a pan and simmer them for about 20 mins.
⑥ Next, cut the Anago 2 ~3cm wide squares and bring them to the boil with the E’s ingredients.
After this, simmer it until the soup reduces to 1/3.
⑦ Mix them with warm sushi-gohan and cover it with a wet towel and leave it for about 1 hour for the flavour to seep right through the rice.
For how to make the sushi-gohan, see the Ehohmaki’s page.
⑧ Peel the renkon’s skin then slice it and put it into vinegar-water.
After that bring it to the boil with the F’s ingredients. Then turn off the heat and leave it until cool.
⑨ Remove the back veins from the shrimps then boil them in salted water for a few minutes until they change colour.
After, leave them to cool.
⑩ Beat the eggs and add the salt, then fry them into some sheets. After cool them, and slice them lengthways.
⑪ Put the ⑦’s rice on a dish then decorate these renkon, shibaebi, egg, field mustard, and beni-shoga on the rice.
⑫ Serve and enjoy!