三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)

【城郭の攻撃仕様「石落とし」 金沢城-5】

2024年12月02日 05時56分39秒 | Weblog



English version⬇

Kanazawa Castle - 5 - “Stone Dropping,” an attack specification of castle walls.
The castle's transformation from its violent nature as a bare warfare device during the reign of Kusunoki Masanari in the Nanbokucho period to a more aesthetically pleasing structure. From violence to a more aesthetic orientation toward obedience to the Shogunate. ...

 Although Japanese warfare techniques and architectural specifications changed during the active civil wars of the Warring States period, the stone-drop was universally used as an “offensive device” by defenders as castle walls were raised higher and higher to take advantage of the height difference. It was a common sense and easy-to-understand means of attack to defend against an enemy force attacking from a high place by dropping stones. As far back as the Nanbokucho period of Masanari Kusunoki, he even used the method of pouring boiling feces and urine on the attacking Kamakura Shogunate forces from above.
 Such measures were unique even in those days, and made Kusunoki Masayuki stand out as a “scoundrel,” reminding us of the wiles of a “general of intelligence” that would have been difficult for the shogunate to deal with as a regular army.
 Kanazawa Castle was built in the middle of the Edo period, when peace had almost been achieved, and the castle was aesthetically stylized, with the roofs of stone slabs decorated with beautiful designs such as “karahafu” and “chidori-gafu” (staggered gables).

 It is likely that the Kaga Maeda family's national policy was to use this kind of design even for the stone slabs used for offensive purposes, and to use cultural elements to win the hearts and minds of the local people.
 The latticework design on the exterior is beautifully continuous, and the harmony with the stone walls is wonderfully aesthetically pleasing.
 In the domestic political climate around the time of the attack on Osaka Castle in the early Edo period, when Maeda Toshiie's wife was offered to the Tokugawa family as a hostage, it seems likely that the clan had a more intense psychological reaction to threats from the shogunate to avoid them.
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