三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2024年12月08日 05時43分45秒 | Weblog


< 工学博士(原子力工学)
デモクラシー2.0イニシアティブ 代表発起人
世界経済フォーラム(ダボス会議)グローバル・アジェンダ・カウンシル メンバー
世界賢人会議 ブダペスト・クラブ 日本代表
ニューイングランド複雑系研究所 ファカルティ
米国ジャパンソサエティ 日米イノベーターズネットワーク メンバー
日本総合研究所 フェロー
元内閣官房参与 >

English version⬇

[9/10/2015 Nagoya Clouds and “Death Doesn't Exist” reads
Cutting-edge science is beginning to discuss religion in a serious way. Considering that religion once judged science, I am deeply moved by the evolution of mankind. ...

 As I gradually move into the daily routine of my second life, I am now able to spend time with my wife and family and feel a sense of peace and tranquility. Yesterday, I was enjoying the drive to and from a rather distant day spa, and was embraced by the Hokkaido weather that is typical of this time of year.
 The weather was about 70 km north of Sapporo, in the vicinity of Bibai, and the sky was blue with a few light snowfalls, but around our destination, it turned around and was snowing actively, with a few dozen centimeters of snowfall. The visibility was so poor that the highway might be closed. As a person from Hokkaido, this kind of customary seasonal weather stimulates my nostalgia. I guess you could call it a calm acceptance of blizzard-like blizzard conditions. It is a psychological pattern in which we feel that the harbingers of the winter army have “arrived.
 In such weather conditions, they obediently and calmly slow down and enjoy the reunion from inside their cars.
 And then, after that, “clouds” of complex and interesting shapes would appear along with the blue sky. The ever-changing expressions of the clouds bring me back to the visual sensations of my life time. The expression of the clouds overlaps with my past state of mind.
 The photo shows the impressive clouds on 9/10/2015, the day I was visiting “Nagoya Castle” in Aichi Prefecture. Late summer iridescent clouds that look like castle walls. The scorching summer atmosphere that seems to connect with the islands of the Pacific Ocean, sculpting active clouds. In the Japanese archipelago, summers with a “tropical” feel appear from Chiba in the Kanto region all the way to Okinawa. Coming from Hokkaido, which is far from such a climate, I was struck by the interesting cloud formations.
 The contents of the book shown in the photo, which I finally finished reading the other day, and the way I perceive it overlap with such a psychological pattern.

 The author, Hiroshi Tasaka, is the following person.
< Doctor of Engineering (Nuclear Engineering)
Representative Founder, Democracy 2.0 Initiative
Member, Global Agenda Council, World Economic Forum (Davos)
Japan Representative, Budapest Club of the World Council of Wise Men
New England Institute for Complex Systems Faculty
Member, U.S.-Japan Society Japan-U.S. Innovators Network
Fellow, The Japan Research Institute, Limited
Former Counselor, Cabinet Secretariat
 A very stimulating “theory of life and death” that should be described as cutting-edge science “bridging the gap between science and religion. As I myself have aged, I have come to see life and death as themes close to my heart and mind, and I have come to look at them dispassionately and with a kind of transparent mind. In the midst of such a mindset, I was really shaken by the content of this essay. Although it is as if I am grasping at a cloud, I am gradually feeling closer to the mystery of life and consciousness.

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