文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

To the contrary, the world has to know that their severity is extreme.

2017年06月07日 15時55分18秒 | 日記

The article in the previous chapter is for the Japanese citizens of almost everyone including me,

Listen to the name for the first time articles where humans and memorials appear.

Whether it is a kind that does not differ from those people who call it a pastor at the Unification Church etc.

I thought that in order to correct Japan and correct the world, I thought that the world really needs to know, I translated the whole sentence in English,

It became sickening.

Takazane et al., Yoshida Seiji and so on are in fact nothing different,

Because they are categorized as scholars, they can be said to be more vicious than Yoshida,

The fact that a really incorrigible scholar existed,

Masaharu Oka and others who name the pastor ... Mr. Whether it is a kind that does not differ from those people who call it a pastor at the Unification Church etc.

Posting such human beings are irrational and lies on the front page the hideous of Nagasaki Shimbun is hideous which is exactly like Okinawa's two newspapers.

I shuddered the fact that the worst children made by the Asahi newspaper, such as the Nagasaki Shimbun, following Okinawa's 2 papers, existed like rural celebrities.

They are even more malignant because they talk about lies and nonsense with pseudo-moralism and alike socialism.

For the world, it is a work I do for free for people, but it became unendurable in it became sickening.

To the contrary, the world has to know that their severity is extreme.

"Abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" rampant, it is extremely unstable now It has made a dangerous world.

You and those who believed in their words stopped progress of the turntable of civilization.


2017年06月07日 15時23分52秒 | 日記














South Korea also utilized Takazane's activities.

2017年06月07日 15時05分31秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

In October 1995 Takazane Yasunori, an emeritus professor at Nagasaki University who was a representative of a civic group named "Association for Protecting the Rights of Koreans in Japan at Nagasaki" in October 1995, succeeded the priest of Oka Masaharu, a pastor and a peace activist, with his colleagues it opened.

Regarding Takazane who died in April, the local Nagasaki newspaper reported the death on the front page and posted a commentary on the society in the heading "Elucidating the actual situation of harming history".

In October 2015, Takazane told a Korean student who visited the museum, "The Koreans were living in a bad housing environment of Hashima Island which is always damping."

The museum explains Hashima Island as follows.

"This island isolated from the land, compulsory enthusiasts sent the day of combat despite being cruelly violent in a poor working environment beyond imagination. They called Hashima Island to Hell Island.”

South Korea also utilized Takazane's activities.

In March 2004, the Korean National Assembly enacted the "Special Law on Truth on Forced Mobilization under the Japanese Imperialism Republic of Korea" and set up a committee for truth-seeking activities.

A report summarizing the results was announced in June 2016, and the names of Takazane and the museum were clearly stated as "overseers’ advisory committee" to support data collection and field survey.

The report compares the correspondence between Germany and Japan in the introduction.

"Germany also reflects that time and fulfills its responsibility as a nation, such as disseminating the sins of the history committed by the Nazis to people all over the world, but Japan, the country of perpetration of the Asia-Pacific War, suffered damage from the forced mobilization of Koreans We have now reached the present without doing any tragic actions given to the person and a sincere apology for the damage.”

Takazane also worked on exchanges with North Korea.

In November 2016 he also served as the executive chairman of the North Korean "Kumgangsan Opera Theater" Nagasaki performance.

According to Chongryon's newspaper, Choson Sinbo, Takazane said "We must overcome the situation where the Japanese government's enemy policy towards Korea, an exoticism policy against Chōsen gakkō is full of passages."

Takazane is also connected with Suh Sung, professor at Ritsumeikan University who was arrested as a "North Korean spy" by the Korean Army Security Command in 1976 and imprisoned as a political prisoner.

Takazane was also a member of Suh Sung who was imprisoned and a party to save two Su brothers aiming to rescue Suh Sung's younger brother.

Takazane, who heard the lecture Suh Sung made in Kyushu in 1994, in the following year's publication, he is writing such a document at the beginning of "We met in a human form and can live together" (Children's Booklet Booklet).

"Suh Sung's lecture is a proof of the continuation of the movement that aims for unification, and it is a question of Japan's politics with malice more than" undoing "unification and Japanese sovereign people still do not want to share" pain ", it asked for reflection without Fraud and conversion of fundamental consciousness. "

Students whose Suh Sung called "the most disciples" are currently writing articles as Asahi newspaper reporters. (Titles omitted)

* This most disciple is Hakoda Tetsuya I criticized.


2017年06月07日 14時16分39秒 | 日記



4月に死去した高實について、地元の長崎新聞は1面で訃報を伝え、社会面で「加害の歴史 実態解明に尽力」の見出しで評伝を掲載した。 















「徐氏の講演は、統一を志す運動の継続の証であるとともに、統一の『邪魔をしない』こと以上の悪意をもつ日本の政治と、未だに 『苦痛を分かち合う』ことを望まない日本の主権者たちに、欺瞞なき反省と根本的な意識の転換を求めるものでした」 

その徐が「一番弟子」と呼んだ学生は現在、朝日新聞記者として記事を書いている。    (敬称略) 

It is because the erroneous information is being disseminated from Japan,

2017年06月07日 14時14分38秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It is because the erroneous information is being disseminated from Japan, and the representative existence is "Oka Masaharu Memorial Nagasaki Peace Museum".

There is a museum which climbed the slope from the "Japan 26th Saints Memorial Hall" in Nagasaki city.

Although it is not a public facility, visitors from overseas are constantly following.

The purpose of establishing the museum is as follows.

"Foreign people who were victims of Japan's invasion and war have been abandoned without any compensation at all 50 years after the war because the history of harm has been hidden because the perpetrators apologize to the victims There is no act of betraying international trust as much irresponsible attitude that it does not make amends. "

In the museum, they express comfort women as "sex slaves" and explain that "a young Korean woman who is hunted like an animal (more than 200,000 people are said to be more than that)".

About "Nanjing Massacre" was quoted from Chinese textbooks and said, "Those that were killed do not go down to 300,000."

This draft continues.

Protest against Süddeutscher Verlag is part of the effort to correct the facts.

2017年06月07日 14時08分22秒 | 日記

The following is an article by real journalists posted on 3 pages of today's Sankei Shimbun.

Hashima Island requisition Employee's lie spreading

"In Hashima Island (Nagasaki Prefecture) which was called the warship island, there was no inhuman act like the Holocaust by the Nazi Germany (Jewish genocide)"

In late May, "Hashima Island Islanders' Association pursuing the history of truth" consisting of former islanders sent protests to Süddeutscher Verlag.

The newspaper company was dated July 6, 2015 (electronic version), about Hashima Island ① During the great war Japanese workers were moved to a safe place and replaced by forced laborers in China and Korea ②More than 1,000 of them Died, ③ it reports the corpses were thrown into the sea or the mine.

The islanders' association was founded in January.

When Hashima Island coal mines and others were registered in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in July of 27, it was judged that it was necessary to tell the truth to future generations as malicious coverage became an unexpected situation.

Protest against Süddeutscher Verlag is part of the effort to correct the facts.

In the protest sentence, "Compared with desk work, the coal mine was in a harsh work environment, but the impression of abuse and slavery is contrary to actual conditions."

As of the 6th, there is no reply from Süddeutscher Verlag.

This draft continues.


2017年06月07日 14時07分21秒 | 日記



















We never knew that they continued to tell the world and keep writing.

2017年06月07日 13時22分12秒 | 日記

In August three years ago, Asahi Shimbun published official articles of 16 times over 32 years and officially acknowledged that the comfort women's coverage reported to the world was faked,

My best friend who got angry knowing the reality of the Asahi Shimbun Company stopped subscribing to the Asahi Shimbun and switched to the Sankei Shimbun.

That close friend brought this morning is an article by real journalists posted on the Sankei Newspaper 3 page.

We subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun and read carefully, until August 3 years ago,

The so-called scholars who came in tune with the Asahi Shimbun and this, just like Yoshida Seiji who was born to tell a lie,

We never knew that they continued to tell the world and keep writing.

If they want to defuse Japan, if they want to humiliate Japan,

In order to keep Japan as a political prisoner in the international community,

It is people who do anything.

GHQ did thoroughly to cover up the greatest crime in human history, comparable to the Nazis they committed,

Actually, due to the occupation policy contrary to international law,

People who were miserably brainwashed by the self-destructive historical view made of lies.

But they never noticed themselves being pathetic, treasonist, or traitor at all,

It is distorted thought, which became a lump of pseudo-moralist and pseudo-communist,

It continues to defuse Japan towards the world.

It came up with the opportunity to continue doing anti-Japanese propaganda, China and Korea which are "abysmal evil" and "plausible lie" countries,

In Japan as a Nazi criminal state, we want to alleviate our sins, etc., Nazi itself, like Gestapo itself,

This article proved that my mention that it was Süddeutsche Zeitung, which has a lowly guts, was quite right.

Before introducing the article in the next chapter, I will clearly say here so that people of Süddeutsche Zeitung never forget again.

Süddeutsche Zeitung and the German citizens who believe this ... that is, those who are no different from Nazi and Gestapo.

People who fuel prejudice and hatred against other citizens for their vile plot.

Mind you.

You are the country that ran the greatest crime in human history and is a human being.

In Japan, we are the country affected by the greatest crime in human history, human being.

I will add another.

About half of you Germans willingly believe in reports such as Süddeutsche Zeitung and it seems that about half of the German citizens hate Japanese people in your country opinion poll,

Almost all Japanese people do not have anyone who hates or hates you.

Now that I know the actual situation of Süddeutsche Zeitung, there will be more angry people.

In the first place, since history, Japanese people are not related to hating or discouraging others and other peoples like yours.

Since history, cherish the harmony among people who came.

Before the Germans appeared in world history,

The Japanese are citizens who crafted Article 17 constitution and cherish the harmony among people.


2017年06月07日 12時56分58秒 | 日記

































2017年06月07日 10時16分58秒 | 日記

















В общей сложности 32 года

2017年06月07日 10時12分14秒 | 日記

Поскольку G7 была проведена в Японии в прошлом году, когда Меркель приехала в Японию в качестве прекрасной возможности, Асахи Симбун пригласил ее на симпозиум и попытался критиковать политику премьер-министра Абэ из ее уст.

Однако Меркель не создала детского и глупого плана, потому что она не для того, чтобы показать политика, которая сидит на премьер-министре Германии в течение 16 лет для показа.

Asahi Shimbun Inc. просто не знает, Меркель, возможно, знала, что Эйб - не обычный человек, а отличный политик.

Во всяком случае, компания Asahi Shimbun очень любит Германию.

На воскресной странице газеты «Nikkei 7», «Из-под контроля» г-н Трамп, острая конфронтация с Европой, «семерка» за сценами, премьер-министр Абэ играет роль заступничества, опубликованы статьи-статьи.

В заключительной главе г-жа Меркель также сказала, что «время полагаться на другие страны закончилось», что свидетельствует о недоверии к Соединенным Штатам.

Асахи Симбун, который поднял мисс Меркель на необычный уровень, должен знать очень простой факт на уровне начальной школы, что безопасность его страны должна быть защищена в его стране, имея в виду слова г-на Меркель, у вас будет знать.

На самом деле, поскольку Китай, однопартийное государство диктатуры коммунистической партии и Корейский полуостров - страна философии, которая только верят в власть, Асахи должны учиться у Меркель мгновенно.

16 лет зачисления премьер-министра Коля, 16 лет премьер-министра Меркель поступил за ним, в общей сложности 32 года, из Германии, ХДС, поддерживающей власть,

Асахи Симбун никогда не должен делать глупый ярлык с Эйбом одной сильной администрацией и т. Д. Абэ, который не зачислялся в качестве премьер-министра только на несколько лет.

Они действительно не только меньше детей детского сада,

Если они являются подлинными японцами,

Им стыдно повторять злодейскую пропаганду, чтобы отменить национальную силу Японии,

Сразу же пересмотреть,

Что касается плохого поведения, которое продолжает отказываться от национальных интересов Японии и чести и авторитета японских граждан,

Нет выбора, кроме как отменить его.

Faire du riz manger un repas. Quant à un peu, il est également possible de voir l'histoire.

2017年06月07日 10時10分12秒 | 日記

Voici la suite du chapitre précédent.

Ils ont donné environ 180 000 tonnes de blé à l'amorçage, et en échange, ils ont institué une législation sur le «repas scolaire centrée sur le pain».

Selon Yamamura Akiyoshi, «lavage de cerveau japonais de GHQ», le sénateur McGovern a déclaré que «le Japon a été conçu comme un important acheteur de blé à l'avenir».

"La tête s'aggrave quand elle mange du riz". C'est aussi cette fois que la légende a été propagée.

Asahi Shimbun a obtenu de l'argent des États-Unis et a annoncé un pain "Ne pas lier les enfants de la prochaine génération de riz au riz" en 1964 (Showa 39).

En conséquence, la quantité de pain et de riz acheté a été inversée en 2011 à mesure que la sécheresse de riz progresse.

Il a changé l'histoire de «Boulangerie» dans le manuel moral de l'école élémentaire à la «confection japonaise» et a réussi le test. C'est le but que la tradition et la culture japonaises ne peuvent s'expliquer par le pain.

Aussi le Asahi Shimbun a déclenché.

"Y a-t-il une tradition ou une culture dans le pain?"

Alors. Il n'y a rien.

Au lieu de cela, le gluten comme il est faible et pratiqué la rusticité américaine est encombré.

Faire du riz manger un repas.

Quant à un peu, il est également possible de voir l'histoire.


2017年06月07日 10時09分42秒 | 日記

















Fare il cibo del riso un pasto. Per quanto riguarda

2017年06月07日 10時09分38秒 | 日記

Di seguito è la continuazione del capitolo precedente.

Hanno dato circa 180.000 tonnellate di grano alla priming, e in cambio hanno istituito la legislazione "lunch school on the bread".

Secondo Yamamura Akiyoshi "lavaggio del cervello giapponese del GHQ", il senatore McGovern ha dichiarato che "il Giappone è stato adattato come un importante acquirente di frumento in futuro".

"La testa peggiora quando mangia il riso". E 'anche questa volta che la leggenda è stata propagata.

Asahi Shimbun ha ottenuto denaro dagli Stati Uniti e ha pubblicato nel 1964 il pane "Non legare i figli della prossima generazione di mangiare riso" (Showa 39).

Di conseguenza, la quantità di pane e riso acquistati è stata invertita nel 2011 in quanto la separazione del riso progredisce.

Ha cambiato la storia di "Panetteria" nel libro di testo morale della scuola elementare a "negozio di confetteria giapponese" e ha superato la prova. È lo scopo che la tradizione e la cultura giapponese non possono essere spiegate dal pane.

Anche l'Asahi Shimbun si staccò.

"Non c'è tradizione o cultura nel pane?"

Così. Non c'è niente.

Invece, il glutine come si fa debole-headed e praticato astuzia degli Stati Uniti sono affollati.

Fare il cibo del riso un pasto.

Per quanto riguarda un po ', è possibile vedere anche la storia.

Hacer comida de arroz una comida. En cuanto a un poco, también es posible ver la historia.

2017年06月07日 10時09分05秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la continuación del capítulo anterior.

Ellos dieron alrededor de 180.000 toneladas de trigo a cebado, y en cambio se instituyó "almuerzo escolar centrado en pan" la legislación.

Según Yamamura Akiyoshi "lavado de cerebro japonés del GHQ," el senador McGovern dijo que "Japón se ha adaptado como un comprador importante del trigo en el futuro".

"La cabeza empeora cuando se come arroz". También fue esta vez que se propagó la leyenda.

Asahi Shimbun consiguió el dinero de los Estados Unidos y anunció el pan "no atan encima de niños de la generación siguiente de comer el arroz" en 1964 (Showa 39).

Como resultado, la cantidad de pan y arroz comprado se ha invertido en 2011 a medida que progresa la separación del arroz.

Cambió la historia de "Panadería" en el libro de texto moral de la escuela primaria a "tienda de confitería japonesa" y pasó la prueba. Es el propósito que la tradición y la cultura japonesas no pueden ser explicadas por el pan.

También el Asahi Shimbun salió disparado.

"¿No hay tradición o cultura en el pan?"

Asi que. No hay nada.

En su lugar, el gluten, ya que se pone de cabeza débil y practicado la astucia de EE.UU. están llenos de gente.

Hacer comida de arroz una comida.

En cuanto a un poco, también es posible ver la historia.