The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Great achievement of Tojo and Higuchi
Even if the Japanese after the war knows Sugihara, why it is not told about great achievement by Tojo and Higuchi because the Japanese dislikes soldiers?
The day of the honorable ceremony became the best day of my life.
I convey Japanese appearance to the world, and I convey the history and culture of the Jew to Japan, I believe it will benefit both races.
I want to continue this effort.
*Every perceptive people in the world will realize that his will is exactly the same as my will.*
Even though Japanese and Jews have been far apart, there are many things in common.
Both ethnic groups have been isolated in world history.
It is tribal and has a strong tendency to collect together.
At the same time, we try to absorb good things constantly with burning curiosity against the outside world.
Among the non-Christian peoples, there are no ethnic groups that have succeeded so much like Japan in the modern world.
Both Japanese and Jewish people think that they are blessed by God.
The both also prefer clean things.
There is no ethnic group who is so concerned about physical cleanliness.
The Japanese and the Jews are enthusiastic about education the best in the world.
Unlike Christianity, Shinto and Judaism are collective religions, they are not individual religions.
For Jews and Japanese people there is no form of sacred things, all the good things God created are sacred.
Like Christianity, we do not worship humanoid-shaped idols.
Japanese ethnicity, the first generation Emperor Jinmu hit in the immediate, in Imperial rescript, "Hakkou Ichi" - Just as it preached that the world is a family, Japan has never done racial discrimination through history.
Since the Jews diverted to the world, the blood of the world was mixed.
Some Jews with black skin others have the same appearance as Asians.
Japanese and Jewish people have been strongly hoping to create a world of racial equality because they have received discrimination from the West.
The Jews lost their homeland in the AD 70 by the Roman Empire, scattered around the world, and each of them carried out a consultative politicization while running a small society.
As Japan has established by the Prince Shōtoku, Seventeen-article constitution, it has always put weight on consultations.
Seventeen-article constitution is the oldest democratic constitution in the world.
Japanese and Jews are coincidental, but they have much in common.
Although Israel is a small country lacking natural resources, it is becoming a high-tech nation that will lead the world.
Japan is at the forefront of advanced countries, even only people are resources.
You can call Israel "small Japan" and Japan "big Israel".
This draft continues.