文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2017年06月23日 22時59分20秒 | 日記


朝日新聞の妖怪 マルクスが歪める客観報道

渡部昇一 上智大学名誉教授

長谷川煕 ジャーナリスト 元朝日新聞記者



ご高著『崩壊 朝日新聞』、拝読しました。















The president of the Asahi Shimbun is in trouble if you forget about this.

2017年06月23日 22時52分46秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

"Shame", which is the spirituality of the Japanese.

I do not know what will happen to the trial of 10 thousand litigation.

But anyway, the Asahi Shimbun should apologize to the Japanese people and take responsibility.

The concept of "shame" represents the spirituality of civilized country Japan.

Keeping self-defense while acknowledging wrong coverage, the Asahi Shimbun who does not even speak apologies to the Japanese people should know "shame".

Here we should also remember the December 8th, 1941 when the Pearl Harbor attack occurred.

Both the Emperor and Yamamoto Isoroku hoped that the rupture of diplomatic relations letter will be handed over to the US Department of State before the attack, it made sure of that point.

And to the Japanese embassy in the US it was issued a pilot telegram saying "An important telegram is going to go".

However, due to the disbelief of the embassy staff, as indicated, "In local time, Hand it at 1 pm", it was late for the deadline.

And the appointment it handed over to Hull was booked at 1:00 pm but they made it 2 o'clock on the way.

The Pearl Harbor attack began during this time.

So it gave Roosevelt the opportunity to impress the world with the slippage of the Japanese as "attacked during diplomatic negotiations".

Since Meiji Restoration, the Japanese are honest, the reputation that our troops are respectable, they spoiled at once.

If you performed hara-kiri for the apology

Diplomats at the embassy at this time, all together at Pennsylvania Avenue, if you performed hara-kiri for the apology, embarrassing reputation "Japan is cunning", you would have disappeared.

However, it did not do so and let them return home.

Because of that, the Japanese have been lost over, until now.

The president of the Asahi Shimbun is in trouble if you forget about this.

("WiLL" first published in April 2015)

Asahi Shimbun finally went to August last year to verify the report on comfort women.

2017年06月23日 12時57分11秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Asahi Shimbun finally went to August last year to verify the report on comfort women.

Because the Abe administration said that it will re-investigate the circumstances of the presentation of Kono's discourse, it seems that verification of their articles will be carried out, probably being unable to withstand, verifying the article himself. In the case of

However, Asahi Shimbun's writing, the so-called "comfort women problem", especially human beings of our generation everyone knew how the Asahi Shimbun is writing nonsense.

In the first place, although there were words such as "reporters" "a (Red Cross) nurse attached to the army", the name "comfort women comfort women" did not exist. 

Comfort women has nothing to do with "women's volunteer corps", and there is no such thing as let alone being moved forcibly.

If the daughter of the house was forcibly taken away, the Korean men would not have kept silent.

However, no exercise or the like to counter "take away the girl" happens.

The comfort women was recruited by the merchant, and the recruitment advertisement is also posted in the newspaper at that time.

Because treatment was good and general salary grade was given out, there are a lot of cases where comfort women who worked in local licensed quarters applied and went for migrant work.

In other words, there was no compulsory takeoff etc.

Girls' compulsory entrainment, sexual slavery ... ... There was not such a thing Japanese knew all about.

Like Hata Ikuhiko, some people flew to the site and gathering evidence of Yoshida Seiji's testimony, pointed out "That was a lie."

Some experts like Mr. Nishioka Tsutomu came out and said that for over twenty years, "There is absolutely no forced entrainment, sexual slavery and so on as the Asahi Shimbun says."

Nevertheless, the Asahi Shimbun has been writing about it as if it were there.

This draft continues.

In what things Japanese do not do, I can not understand why they do not regard the situation

2017年06月23日 10時43分09秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Children's dignity is hurt

My child also attended a foreign elementary school.

When I was in Edinburgh at the end of the 70's, my son who was an elementary school was asked "you are Chinese," and answered "it's Japanese", he said that he suddenly got spit.

School itself is a music school and many good friends, seems to have had a well-balanced idea that "There are both nice and disgusting people for English people", but received explanation about comfort women at school, Knowledge of Japanese army corruption can be planted, Japanese children may encounter bullying at school.

Instead of feeling proud as a Japanese, is not it greatly hurting your self-esteem?

My granddaughter is still in a foreign school and more than a lot of Japanese are living abroad than the old days.

It is never another person's affairs.

Many people in Japan should feel "if their children go to a bitter experience."

However, employees of the Asahi Shimbun do not seem to feel that way.

Although the children of overseas correspondents of the Asahi Shimbun might be go to a bitter experience, why are they not saying their voices?

Also, are those who defend the Asahi Shimbun have never placed children in a foreign country or are they insensitive?

In what things Japanese do not do, I can not understand why they do not regard the situation where the Japanese children are burdened with a heavy load that they do not have to shoulder.

This draft continues.


2017年06月23日 10時25分44秒 | 日記






















2017年06月23日 10時23分29秒 | 日記















安倍政権が河野談話の発表の経緯などを再調査すると言ったことから、自分たちの記事に対する検証も行われるのではと考え、こらえきれずに自ら記事の検証を行ったのでしょう。 しかし、いわゆる「従軍慰安婦問題」は朝日新聞が書き始めた当初から、特に私たちの世代の人間は朝日新聞がいかに出鱈目を書いているか、みんな知っていました。












Treasonist, and humans who are repeating their activities as traitors blatantly.

2017年06月23日 10時17分05秒 | 日記

The media such as the Asahi Shimbun love to label, if you do this to the media such as the Asahi Newspaper or the Democratic Party who is not quite exaggeration to say as a child of the Asahi Shimbun,

Treasonist, and humans who are repeating their activities as traitors blatantly.

Korean and Chinese agents who are anti-Japan propaganda countries.

If you label, constantly such as, if you write them, Japan will not be diminished.

The label to be affixed is not Abe one strong etc.

Treasonist media, traitor media, Treasonist opposition, traitor opposition.

There are no more foolish people piloted by the Korean Peninsula and Chinese government and intelligence agencies.

If you paste such a label on them, Japan will not drop national strength.

all employees of the Asahi Shimbun I am convinced that they should do so.

2017年06月23日 10時00分49秒 | 日記

The reader should have noticed that I and Mr. Shoichi Watanabe have exactly the same brains to say.

Mr. Watanabe wrote to the president of the Asahi Shimbun, "Originally, the president of the Asahi Shimbun should perform hara-kiri on the stage of the UN human rights committee," but I wrote that all employees of the Asahi Shimbun I am convinced that they should do so.

Because, rather than showing the behavior of reflection, it is continuing nonsense attack to Japan's Prime Minister Abe pride, from next to next.

To Japan's Prime Minister Abe who is doing a good job of saying the best among the latest prime ministers, it is no exaggeration to say that it is no longer a rare politician. 

They also involve media such as NHK, and every day, they continue to attack viciously, and at the end they have dropped a few percentage of Prime Minister Abe's support rate as they wanted, and they continue to do activities to drop Japan's national strength.

Although the world simply denies by saying that the feudal age is bad, the Asahi Shimbun who worked the national disgrace act against Japan so much, without a word of apology, as if it is for China and South Korea, to defeat Japan, if you think that those are repeating blatantly the behavior of humiliating Japan,

I wonder which one is better that the samurai, in regard to the scandals that they took, was done with the hara - kiri aspect, and the aspect of the current Asahi Shimbun.

Evil cannot be extinguished, evil is present in the world, Kukai said, but in the feudal era, those who encountered evil and suffered damage were made into cut the opponent in two with a single stroke of one's sword . However, now, the villains live up to disguise the personal information protection law that was enacted last year, making the court's judgment totally meaningless as the address is indeterminate.

It is no exaggeration to say that this that democracy has gone too far Japan, UN officials like the hands of China and South Korea have repeatedly made recommendations as if democracy has not been achieved,

For the rogue, there are Muslim laws that cut off both hands against those who worked for stealing, or excessive democracy that cannot do anything against a rogue which is better?


2017年06月23日 09時24分39秒 | 日記









2017年06月23日 09時03分15秒 | 日記









Originally, the president of the Asahi Shimbun should perform hara-kiri at the stage of the UN

2017年06月23日 08時33分30秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The predecessor was ashamed of national disgrace

Originally, the president of the Asahi Shimbun should perform hara-kiri at the stage of the UN human rights commission.

It will spread the misunderstanding to the international community if you do not do so, and that you have covered the Japanese with "shame" that it cannot wipe away unless you do it, Asahi Shimbun and Asahi defenders do not understand at all.

In 1808 under the isolation country, British boat Phaeton entered Nagasaki Port, and in addition to the capture of two Dutch commercial staff members, the Phaeton incident to search in Nagasaki Port occurred.

At that time magistrate of Nagasaki · Matsudaira Yasuhide ordered expelling of a British ship, but he gave in to the threat.

Matsudaira Yasuhide, ashamed of that, was executed hara - kiri shortly after the British ship left Nagasaki.

This is a typical Japanese concept of "shame".

In his will, it is said that "my embarrassment in Japan ... that my shame is anyway, that I came to this place and I showed the shame of the world to another country, that of blunder”.

In response to the fact that Japan's shame was exposed to foreign countries rather than his own shame, the regret is transmitted.

Of course, we can say that he did not have to do so, but we are trying to figure out how heavily the act to shame a nation against the country was considered heavily.

Shame, and honor, the Japanese have ceased to say before one knows.

However, the honor of Japan is hurt by the article of Asahi Newspaper now, and it is a shame to foreign countries.

What makes me angry more than anything is the impact on our children.

When I remember when I grew up, I was proud enough to feel like breaking my heart just thinking of being born into a Japanese, being born to a man.

However, do children now feel like being wrapped in euphoria with just that "it was nice to be born as a Japanese?"

When a comfort woman girl statue was built in Glendale, California, a local primary school took a child and went to a place to visit and said that the teacher explained.

As the monument beside the statue says "200 000 women have been made sexual slaves", it is natural that explanation of "how bad Japan did" was made.

Children of local Japanese expatriates were unable to raise their faces.

My heart aches when I think how they were listening to teacher's explanation.

This draft continues.


2017年06月23日 07時58分28秒 | 日記
























2017年06月23日 07時56分52秒 | 日記


朝日新聞よ!「恥」を知りなさい  渡部昇一上智大学名誉教授

国民の名誉を傷つけた。の続きである。 文中強調は私。

















しかし、彼女が引用しているジョージ・ヒックス氏の著書『性の奴隷 従軍慰安婦』も、元はと言えば朝日新聞が大々的に紹介した吉田清治証言などが元になっているのです。


If the president of the newspaper company himself says, Our newspaper was writing fake

2017年06月23日 07時55分09秒 | 日記

Battle against Asahi Shimbun and NHK, which are Anti-Japan Mass Media.

Asahi Shimbun! Know "shame"

Shoichi Watanabe Professor Emeritus of Sophia University

You hurt the honor of the people.

The following is the continuation from the previous chapter.

Three things the Asahi Shimbun should do

Specifically, what should they do?

Firstly, the president of the Asahi Shimbun went to the location of the comfort women statue and comfort women monument built in the United States, met with the mayors of that place, "The comfort women image of this town is probably through the movement I think that's Korean in the US.

But the wording engraved here, the recognition of Koreans in the US, all of them are believing in the fake article of my newspaper. That article is a fake, and all the grounds to build this statue are denied. "

If the president of the newspaper company himself says, Our newspaper was writing fake, everyone cannot deny it.

In addition, he should offer that "we will bear the cost of demolition".

The statues and monuments in the United States are still enough for both hands, so no extra cost is needed.

Secondly, the president of the Asahi Newspaper at the US Congress, I would like you to explain, "That article was a fake."

In 2007, during the First Abe administration, Mike Honda US House of Representatives proposed "Resolution of Comfort Women Criticism" and it was adopted by the House of Representatives.

Although only about ten members agreed, the adoption itself is a fact and the influence on each country is also immeasurable.

In fact, following the resolution of the US House of Councilors, the House of Representatives such as the Netherlands and Canada, the European Conference and others each adopted a resolution to request "apology to former comfort women" to Japan.

Since comfort women monuments and statues began to be built in the United States since 2007, it is no doubt that Korean activists in the United States gained the power to this US House resolution.

The president of the Asahi Shimbun went to the US Congress and said, "Once the resolution to condemn the comfort women was passed against Japan, this is based on the fake of my newspaper and already all the grounds are denied”, you should state it.

Please also direct this matter to Mike Honda Congressman.

And third, go to Sri Lanka and explain directly to Ms Coomaraswamy and ask for the withdrawal of the "Coomaraswamy Report" adopted by the United Nations.

"All the problems related to comfort women who you were strictly pointed out are based on what my newspaper wrote, but they should all be misinformation.” you should explain.

Probably Coomaraswamy would say "I did not refer only to Asahi Shimbun and Yoshida testimony."

However, she is quoted by George Hicks' book "sex slave servant comfort woman", based on the Yoshida Seiji testimonies that the Asahi Shimbun introduced extensively.

This draft continues.