文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Can you achieve prosperity and safety of Japan better than anyone else?

2017年06月22日 21時21分11秒 | 日記

Fujii Sota, a junior high school student with a professional shogi player, made 28 consecutive victories since his debut, television is a big fuss.

It is certainly a great accomplishment.

But, is it such a TV station in Japan that makes such a big fuss?

For example, will Fujii Sota stop the domineering of China?

Can you criticize China to do?

Can you achieve prosperity and safety of Japan better than anyone else?

Do not care about your physical condition, can you make a diplomacy taking a panoramic perspective of the world map for Japan and the world?

When Obama and the leaders of Europe get into a severe quarrel, can you impress the leaders of the world with the response of readiness of wit?

Needless to say the answer is NO.

In other words, now, there is a really great person in front of us.

The media such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK have never done such a report to Satoshi Fujii against that great man.

Although the editorial boards and the men and women called casters attack and overthrow this great man with absolutely nonsense, they have never shown one smile.

It is a clear evidence that the media in Japan is crazy, today, I noticed


2017年06月22日 14時40分27秒 | 日記













2017年06月22日 14時07分49秒 | 日記














The soliloquy of the former TBS employee has also clarified my other question.

2017年06月22日 14時05分43秒 | 日記

The soliloquy of the former TBS employee has also clarified my other question.

As you know, I have mentioned many times how the Toron Revolution was crushed.

At that time, the Japanese government decided to set up a PC equipped with a TRON at elementary school and junior high school in Japan (that is, PC running trond) and educate it.

Ultimately, because Bill Gates threatened to give Japan a high tariff rate on electric appliances and cars unless we stop the adoption of TRON by moving the US government, In a sense, I wrote a comment on tell somebody something at second hand,

I had a doubt a long time ago.

Now, media every day with absolutely nonsense, finally the media such as the Asahi Shimbun who still have the power enough to succeed in dropping the support rate to the Abe administration by a few percent, then, from now Also had much greater power.

It was not an exaggeration to say that the Asahi Shimbun company controlled Japan.

If the media such as the Asahi Shimbun and others were truly media that watched the freedom of speech and the abuse of power, why, at that time, one remarked against Bill Gates and the United States' unforgivable tyranny Doubting whether it did not do.

Against this doubt, the soliloquy of this former TBS employee is delivering a brilliant answer.

That is, at that time, it was the fact that Son Masayoshi was acting furiously as Bill Gates' advance-guard point.

This draft continues.

It is a monumental work brought about by the Internet being essentially the largest library in

2017年06月22日 11時46分18秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It is a monumental work brought about by the Internet being essentially the largest library in human history.

A greedy fool named Bill Gates crushed Sakamura Ken's Toron revolution that Japan born, because windows won the world, multiply the myriad of defects that this has has, the incredibly lowest guys continues to do evil ... " Although there are flaws that pollution from the rogues with DNA of the country of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lie" will not stop.

Bill Gates, it is your responsibility to make windows completely indispensable before becoming the world's best asset, as a hypocrisy or as a tax saving, donating most assets to the foundation that you operate right.

Otherwise, how about if the Electrical machinery maker group that Japan boasts of the world, Ken Sakamura, neither Japanese nor the Japanese people are lying down, notice.

I translated soliloquy of former TBS employee, I was keenly aware of every chapter.

2017年06月22日 11時29分09秒 | 日記

I rediscovered this morning, I translated soliloquy of former TBS employee, I was keenly aware of every chapter.

In addition to the suspicion of coverage of the Asahi Shimbun, etc.,
Previously, News 23 when Zenba was moderating,
The news station when Frutachi was moderating,
My thesis which continued to mention about the severity of abnormal "anti-Japanese coverage"
I also realized that 100% was correct.

I am adding to the suspicion of coverage of the Asahi Shimbun, etc., previously, News 23 when Zenba was moderating and the news station when Frutachi was moderating, my thesis which continued to mention about the severity of their abnormal anti-Japanese coverage, I Also realized that 100% was correct.

The symbolic scene that this former TBS employee's soliloquy is perfectly true and the actual condition of each television station is exactly right,
Furutachi was happy to call it "Lee Chi-su, desk of the foreign department ..." and it was the scene that made it appear on the program.

At this time, as I mentioned, I was surprised that I turned over.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this former TBS employee's speech is the greatest document after the war.

Because it is a document that will inform us perfectly of the actual situation of the current television station news programs and wide shows in Japan.

This draft continues.


2017年06月22日 10時31分20秒 | 日記













2017年06月22日 10時02分36秒 | 日記







2017年06月22日 10時00分35秒 | 日記








In this way, each TV station continued recruiting Koreans in Japan every year at entering company

2017年06月22日 09時41分39秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

In this way, each TV station continued recruiting Koreans in Japan every year at entering company without employment examination.

Of course Koreans in Japan will take Japanese family register and come in with the Japanese name. It is a so-called "spoofing Japanese."

That Korean employee in Japan has been promoted, and since 1980, such as the producer of major news programs and the director of the press, they began to attach a post with decisive power.

In other words, it is said that each TV station is being hijacked by Korean Koreans in Japan.

To that evidence, the fabrication of Korean pop culture in Japan and influx of South Korean pop culture into Japan pushing though TV has been unfolded.

TBS, who had been feeling fear, continued to recruit Korean residents in Japan every year since joining the company without examination.

Chongryon who caught the taste with this intimidation threatened TV stations and newspaper companies of each station in the same way as TBS, and set up Koreans in Japan number of positions available.

NHK is also the same.

In this way, Japanese television stations were dominated by impersonating Japanese in Korean Koreans in Japan.

Koreans in Japan which dominated the Japanese media is "snake in one's bosom" in Japanese society. An insect living in the lion's body and suffering from this benefit rather eats the lion's flesh and finally brings the lion to death.

In other words, those who are harmful inside the organization, etc., or those who return the benefits with vengeance.

Why do not you understand that insects will die if a lion dies?

The media ruled by Koreans in Japan fostering the fear of war, pull the legs of the abe administration, activating the movement to withdraw.

And TBS president's remarks surprised at enterprise ceremony.

President TBS has this idea, if it seems to say, Japan is over.

With disqualification as a news organization unless you become a sensible and truly Japanese executive.

Is this even a media organization?

Indeed, TBS is managed by Koreans living in Japan with the funds of Koreans in Japan

2017年06月22日 09時11分18秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

(4) 1990's - 2000's

A scandal that may be denied as a news media, such as providing biased coverage, fabricating reports, coverage information to specific forces, comes out one after another. As well as TBS, the Asahi Shimbun called "Left wing", the TV Asahi of the series, if anything, there are many reports that draw "Beijing's Intention" that method is for better or worse precise and computed high, In the case of TBS, almost all of the troubles that occurred during this period involved the Korean Peninsula.

The contents of scandals were also crude and haphazard, with the Aum Shinrikyo incident, which helped the Korean cult who executed the terrorist attacks. Due to the economic downturn since the collapse of the bubble, strict advertising income even depends heavily on "Consumer Finance Company" and "pachinko".

Indeed, TBS is managed by Koreans living in Japan with the funds of Koreans in Japan. From 2005 onwards, I think that program production will be made like "to make" Koreans in Japan star with more blatant ways.

This draft continues.

The promoted Koreans in Japan employees occupy a decisive post such as producers of major news

2017年06月22日 08時56分37秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

(3) 1980’s to 90’s

The promoted Koreans in Japan employees occupy a decisive post such as producers of major news programs and media directors. Korean in editor of Koreans in Japan certainly left wing weekly The program of news 23 that greeted magazine (Tetsuya Tsukushi) on the castor gains a high viewer rating by the support of the baby-boomer generation viewers who have been absorbed in Student activism during the student days .

In the House of Representatives election in 1989, "Doi Social Democratic Party" "Madonna Boom" was thoroughly aided by "campaign against consumption tax". Supporting the scandal of Prime Minister Uno a day and supporting outright Socialist Party including thoroughly calling President of the Korean people of Socialist Koreans in Japan as "Otaka-san". Socialist party landslide victory. An emotional report that "the mountain moved".

* All that we were utterly ignorant is supposed to regret bitterly. *

This draft continues.

A crazy era when public opinion applauds as long as it hits the government.

2017年06月22日 08時33分30秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

(2) 1970's ~
A crazy era when public opinion applauds as long as it hits the government.

About Koreans in Japan Employee's "Anti-Japan Program", management executives who misunderstood "pen penalty against power" or "research coverage" active appointment Koreans in Japan.

Although it was good to mention idealism as "Japanese employees and Koreans in Japan employees should not have discrimination of promotion", it was optimistic that they did not promote discrimination as a result,

Promoted Koreans in Japan Employees as manager, department manager, they thoroughly reverse discrimination personnel who prefers the naturalized Koreans in Japan II to unreasonable.

Raised an objection Japanese employees are thoroughly marked and can be dismissed from the front lines of program production such as sales and general affairs.

This draft continues.

Do you know the reason why TBS is reporting anti-Japanese?Former TBS employee soliloquy

2017年06月22日 08時16分56秒 | 日記

I reviewed the previously introduced articles earlier on the internet and send again.

Do you know the reason why TBS is reporting anti-Japanese?
Former TBS employee soliloquy

Let's talk about the circumstances that made our station so much.

From the clever pressures of Chongryon, it clearly shows how TBS, which has established examination 's Koreans in Japan number of positions available, is gradually taken over by Koreans in Japan.

(1) 1960 's ~
When the television broadcast began shortly, against a little word problem during broadcasting (for example, "Korea Democratic People's Republic" was called "North Korea", etc.), from the Chongryon against the company and executive's home, protest actions close To intimidation are repeated.

They are like a gangster appearance, what it come to burst in on TBS executives up to home.

As a "strike a bargain" against protest action, Koreans in Japan number of positions available are secretly established.

Chongryon's son-in-law brothers and sisters, no entrance examination (ceremonial interview only), adoption is continued every year.

To keep it confidential against the construction supervisory authority about the secret agreement of Koreans in Japan number of positions available, TBS side requests "Chongryon" to hold further weakness etc., becoming completely helpless with an optimistic correspondence like an amateur.

This draft continues.

In the summer of 2014, I have a feeling of incompatibility due to the issue related to the article

2017年06月22日 07時17分21秒 | 日記

Battle against the Anti-Japan Mass Media, which is Asahi Shimbun and NHK

Asahi Shimbun! Know shame!

Shoichi Watanabe

Professor Emeritus, Sophia University

It hurt the public's honor

In the summer of 2014, I have a feeling of incompatibility due to the issue related to the article of Comfort women's coverage inspection of the Asahi newspaper.

It means that the word shame, which does not come out at all.

It was a lie, a misinformation, an intention ... There were many people who pointed out these points, but as the Japanese citizen most should ask the Asahi Shimbun to be shamed by lying, but there is no Asahi Shimbun feeling shame for that.

On January 26, 2015, I serve as the chairperson, Examine the Asahi Shimbun National Congress filed a lawsuit against the Asahi Shimbun to require apology advertisement with solatium in the Tokyo district court as hurt the people's honor.

Plaintiffs, together with domestic and overseas 8749 people (January 26, time of action).

When we recruited plaintiffs on the Internet, as soon as this number of people raised their name and further complaints were announced, thousands of proxy letters reached the office every day.

The delivery staff of the post office also, to too much, it seems to be in a state enough to bring it in two parts.

I have also received a letter saying, I definitely want to join with my friends, in my address. Originally started with Satoru Mizushima of Channel Sakura and others as the center of administrative procedures, it is constantly that people joining plaintiffs from Japanese victims are as much as the article of the Asahi Newspaper Because many people think that their own honor, the honor of the Japanese were hurt.

To say hope, I even think that the plaintiff group wants to expand to "100 million people" too.

This draft continues.