Fujii Sota, a junior high school student with a professional shogi player, made 28 consecutive victories since his debut, television is a big fuss.
It is certainly a great accomplishment.
But, is it such a TV station in Japan that makes such a big fuss?
For example, will Fujii Sota stop the domineering of China?
Can you criticize China to do?
Can you achieve prosperity and safety of Japan better than anyone else?
Do not care about your physical condition, can you make a diplomacy taking a panoramic perspective of the world map for Japan and the world?
When Obama and the leaders of Europe get into a severe quarrel, can you impress the leaders of the world with the response of readiness of wit?
Needless to say the answer is NO.
In other words, now, there is a really great person in front of us.
The media such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK have never done such a report to Satoshi Fujii against that great man.
Although the editorial boards and the men and women called casters attack and overthrow this great man with absolutely nonsense, they have never shown one smile.
It is a clear evidence that the media in Japan is crazy, today, I noticed