文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Even now, in the 21st century, there are still fascist countries.

2021年04月27日 08時25分44秒 | 全般

The Turntable of Civilization is an authentic book, a compass that guides us on the right course in a world rife with pseudo-moralism and political correctness.

The following are the chapter I sent out on 2012-08-28.
To Junji Tachino, Asahi Shimbun, U.S. General Bureau Chief.
On page 8 of this morning's Asahi Shimbun, Junji Tachino, Director General of the U.S. Department of State, wrote an op-ed article introducing the content of the August 15 proposal to Japan jointly issued by Armitage and Joseph Nye of the United States.
At the end of the article, he concludes, "In my opinion, a genuinely second-rate country is one that cannot even draw a self-portrait.
Again, surprisingly, the country in his mind must be the one with the "make-believe" moralism itself or, therefore, the incorrigible masochistic view of history exposing Japan's criticism fully.
Mr. Tachino.
Why don't you go to Wikipedia and look up "Republic of Korea" like I did yesterday and read it before you say anything?
Even now, in the 21st century, there are still fascist countries.
Koreans abandoned their land and emigrated to the United States because of the difficulty of living there.
There are people who have been trained as fascists in the name of anti-Japanese education.
The fact that they continue to attack Japan in various parts of the U.S. relentlessly should be a problem.
No, this is the big problem.
Mr. Tachino.
A valid second-class country is not a country that cannot even draw its self-portrait, but rather a country that has fabricated its self-portrait and exists in the 21st century as a fascist country Korea.
It would be best if you immediately stopped looking at Japan with a sense of self-deprecation, immersed in the "make-believe" moralism of the 67 years since the end of World War II.
It is an urgent time when there is no time for such feelings when there is a monster country next door.
It is the fight against fascism, and you must tell the U.S. and the world about the horrible reality of Korea and its unacceptable fascism.
That is your job.
If you don't do that, you will be saying that you are 67 years out of date if you are belittling Japan, a true democracy with the world's highest level of intelligence and freedom along with the United States.