文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The problem is that the Korean recruiters.

2021年04月13日 21時23分31秒 | 全般

Turntable of Civilization", the only blog in the post-war world, will soon start its crowdfunding campaign.
Just as Masayuki Takayama is the only journalist in the postwar world, "Turntable of Civilization" is the only blog postwar world.
With this cloud funding, we would like to obtain unlimited support from all over the world to continue the work of disseminating "Turntable of Civilization" for another 170 years.
Taking this opportunity, I will officially open the "Turntable of Civilization Transmission Workshop" in the "Da Vinci Workshop " style.
I have 100% confidence that I can eradicate the anti-Japanese propaganda from the country of "unfathomable evil" and "bogus lies" in the next ten years alone.
The Turntable of Civilization, which predicts that the following country to turn in 170 years will be Brazil with no fatal problems other than poverty, is one of the most important papers of the 21st century.
In the next 170 years, Brazil will be the following country to turn, and until then, the U.S. and Japan will have to lead the world in parallel.
The monthly magazines' WiLL, Hanada, and Sound Argument are full of genuine articles that demonstrate the 5W1H, a prerequisite for journalists and those who make a living from speech, academics, and others.
However, their manuscript fees will never be high.
The above-mentioned monthly magazine is full of papers by people who are writing genuine articles and laborious works for Japan and the world with very little pay.
I have my hands full just writing my articles and sending them out in Japanese and English translation.
I have to scan their papers, proofread them for errors, send them out, and then translate them into English and send them out.
I can't do more than that.
I'm sure they have their hands full just writing their papers.
It can't translate them into other languages and send them out.
But that will not change anything in the world.
If we are not careful, there is a greater risk that the world will go in the wrong direction due to stupid media.
Many so-called entertainers earn more than 100 million dollars a year simply by performing their instantaneous art on TV, without any research or verification based on 5W1H.
It is one of the entrapments inherent in a democratic society.
The above is from a notice I sent out the other day in English and Japanese.
I am 100% confident that we will eradicate the anti-Japanese propaganda from the country of "unfathomable evil" and "plausible lies" in the next ten years alone.
The following is from this month's issue of the monthly magazine Sound Argument.
I will publish all the articles on the special issue on historical warfare, including this one, in about 40 languages worldwide.
That work is the reason for my 100 percent confidence in eradicating anti-Japanese propaganda.
However, letting the criminal acts initiated by this scoundrel go unchecked is the same as letting the world continue to believe the anti-Japanese propaganda of a country of "unfathomable evil" and "bogus lies" as before.
Google Inc. has become an enormous company, partly due to their use of our personal information.
But they continue to neglect criminal activities such as SEO for reverse SEO attacks, excluding us from searches with keyword analogy attacks using their servers and creating fake search pages.
After all, neither the Japanese government nor anyone who makes a living from academics and speech has done anything to eradicate the country's anti-Japanese propaganda of "unfathomable evil" and "untruthful lies" by sending it out to the world in the language of each country.
Comfort women are not sex slaves.
Professor Ramseyer of Harvard University's article
The issue of comfort women has spread worldwide, with the image that the Japanese military used Korean women as "sex slaves" before the war.
Recently, a new statue of comfort women based on this claim was erected in Germany.
Against this backdrop, an academic paper by Professor J. Mark Ramseyer of Harvard University in the U.S., which theoretically and empirically shows that comfort women are an extension of the domestic prostitutes that were allowed under government regulations at the time, will be published in the International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 65, scheduled for publication in March. (Already available on the journal's website at https://www.ScienceDirect.com/science/article/pii/S014481882,0301848).
It is significant that Professor Ramseyer, who is not only a renowned corporate lawyer in the U.S. but also a great expert in Japanese studies, has developed an argument against the "comfort women = sex slaves" theory in an academic paper that has been peer-reviewed by other specialized researchers.
He analyzes any subject using the method of economics, which says that human beings pursue their own interests under given conditions.
Comfort women are no exception to this rule.
Based on the work of other researchers and historical documents from Japan and Korea at the time, this paper points out that both Korean and Japanese comfort women were authorized prostitutes, not "sex slaves" who were abducted by the Japanese military and forced into prostitution, and that the problem with comfort women was the recruiting agencies in Korea.
The following is a summary of the article with the permission of the professor. 
(Commentary and summary by Professor Yoshitaka Fukui, Aoyama Gakuin University) 
Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War
(Contracting for sex in the Pacific War) Abstract 
In the 1930s and 1940s, when Japanese troops marched into and retreated from East Asia, the military tried to control soldiers' risk of contracting venereal diseases and spreading them locally.
To this end, the military encouraged the establishment of semi-official brothels by private vendors near overseas military bases and prohibited soldiers from using other brothels in exchange for requiring vendors to provide strict hygiene control, including regular checkups of prostitutes.
Prostitutes were recruited by vendors mainly from Japan and Korea. Brothels that cooperated with the military were called "comfort stations," and prostitutes were called "comfort women.
Comfort stations were the overseas military analog of the authorized brothels in Japan and Korea at the time. 
What was the reality of the prostitution business in Japan at that time?
Prostitution was licensed and required weekly medical examinations, and in 1924, 50,100 licensed prostitutes were working in 11,500 licensed brothels.
There were so many women seeking work as licensed prostitutes that between 1920 and 1927, only 62% of job seekers in Tokyo were able to find work.
As a result, although there is no reliable data, it is believed that there were as many illegal prostitutes as authorized ones.
Women and brothels coincide in their intentions. 
Licensed prostitutes worked under indenture contracts that included the following.
An advance is paid to them or their parents, and they work until the total amount is paid or the contract expires, whichever comes first.
In the mid-1920s, advances ranged from 1,000 to 1,200 yen and were interest-free.
Two-thirds to three-quarters of the proceeds were taken by the brothel, with 60 percent of the remainder going to repay the advance and 40 percent to the individual.
In the case of a prostitute in Tokyo in 1925, the total annual wage was ¥655: ¥393 to repay the debt and ¥262 to be received by the prostitute [Incidentally, according to another article by Professor Ramseyer, the average annual wage of female factory workers in 1926 was ¥312]. 
Although some historians have argued that brothels cheated prostitutes out of their debts, this was not the case, at least not on a large scale.
In fact, the average working period of a prostitute was about three years, or half of the standard contract period of six years, before she finished repaying her debts. 
The indentured servitude contracts of prostitutes follow the logic of "credible commitment" in game theory.
Young women understand that prostitution is dangerous and demanding work and that even a short stint can damage their reputation, so they seek a reliable guarantee that they will be well compensated.
Brothels, on the other hand, need to motivate their prostitutes to satisfy their clients.
The indentured servant contract, in which a large sum of money is paid to the prostitute at the beginning with a cap on the duration of the agreement, and the more satisfied the customer is, the more she will be repaid and the sooner she can quit, is a good match for both parties. 
At the time, reformists in Japan were advocating a ban on prostitution, but criticism of women's abduction to brothels by recruiters was close to nonexistent.
Complaints by prostitutes themselves that they were being forced into prostitution by recruiters and brothels were also rare.
The target of criticism by reformists was parents who sold their daughters to brothels. 
During the Japanese occupation of Korea, a system similar to that in Japan was in place.
The number of illegal prostitutes in Korea was relatively high, and Korean women had been working as prostitutes abroad for decades before comfort stations were established.
The problem is that the Korean recruiters.
In establishing comfort stations in overseas war zones, the Japanese government was aware of the political risks.
While reformists in Japan had been calling for a ban on prostitution for decades, it was imperative to avoid the situation where it tricked naive young women into working for unscrupulous companies. 
The Ministry of Home Affairs asked recruiters to hire only women who were already working as prostitutes as comfort women and instructed the local police to directly confirm with the women that they were applying for their own volition and telling the women to return home immediately after the contract expired. 
There was, however, a unique problem in Korea that was different from that of Japan: the existence of a large number of specialized labor recruiters and their use of deceptive practices.
Not only prostitutes but also factory workers were recruited, but the recruitment irregularities reported in the newspapers were related to the sex industry, such as tricking women into going to overseas brothels. 
Neither the Japanese government nor the Governor-General of Korea forced women into prostitution, nor did the Japanese military cooperate with unscrupulous recruiters.
Nor did the Japanese military cooperate with unscrupulous recruiters, nor were they the sole providers of comfort women.
The problem lay with the recruiters in Korea who had been luring women to work in brothels for decades. 
The brothels hired comfort women under the same contract as licensed prostitutes in Japan, but there was a significant difference.
Reflecting the increased risk of working in distant battlefields, contract terms were shortened, usually two years, and in some cases even shorter.
In return for the greater risk, comfort women were paid more than prostitutes in Korea and Japan, who earned more than other jobs. 
Some researchers say that it further promoted the recruitment of comfort women at the end of the war, but the fact is the opposite.
As the war worsened, it mobilized women to work in munitions factories instead of men being drafted, and it moved prostitutes from brothels to factories. 
The women signed indentured servitude contracts of one or two years with the comfort stations, received a significant advance loan, went to the war zone, and returned to their hometowns after completing the contract period or repaying the advance loan in full before the deadline.




(Contracting for sex in the Pacific War) Abstract 

2021年04月13日 21時16分55秒 | 全般

Turntable of Civilization", the only blog in the post-war world, will soon start its crowdfunding campaign.
Just as Masayuki Takayama is the only journalist in the postwar world, "Turntable of Civilization" is the only blog postwar world.
With this cloud funding, we would like to obtain unlimited support from all over the world to continue the work of disseminating "Turntable of Civilization" for another 170 years.
Taking this opportunity, I will officially open the "Turntable of Civilization Transmission Workshop" in the "Da Vinci Workshop " style.
I have 100% confidence that I can eradicate the anti-Japanese propaganda from the country of "unfathomable evil" and "bogus lies" in the next ten years alone.
The Turntable of Civilization, which predicts that the following country to turn in 170 years will be Brazil with no fatal problems other than poverty, is one of the most important papers of the 21st century.
In the next 170 years, Brazil will be the following country to turn, and until then, the U.S. and Japan will have to lead the world in parallel.
The monthly magazines' WiLL, Hanada, and Sound Argument are full of genuine articles that demonstrate the 5W1H, a prerequisite for journalists and those who make a living from speech, academics, and others.
However, their manuscript fees will never be high.
The above-mentioned monthly magazine is full of papers by people who are writing genuine articles and laborious works for Japan and the world with very little pay.
I have my hands full just writing my articles and sending them out in Japanese and English translation.
I have to scan their papers, proofread them for errors, send them out, and then translate them into English and send them out.
I can't do more than that.
I'm sure they have their hands full just writing their papers.
It can't translate them into other languages and send them out.
But that will not change anything in the world.
If we are not careful, there is a greater risk that the world will go in the wrong direction due to stupid media.
Many so-called entertainers earn more than 100 million dollars a year simply by performing their instantaneous art on TV, without any research or verification based on 5W1H.
It is one of the entrapments inherent in a democratic society.
The above is from a notice I sent out the other day in English and Japanese.
I am 100% confident that we will eradicate the anti-Japanese propaganda from the country of "unfathomable evil" and "plausible lies" in the next ten years alone.
The following is from this month's issue of the monthly magazine Sound Argument.
I will publish all the articles on the special issue on historical warfare, including this one, in about 40 languages worldwide.
That work is the reason for my 100 percent confidence in eradicating anti-Japanese propaganda.
However, letting the criminal acts initiated by this scoundrel go unchecked is the same as letting the world continue to believe the anti-Japanese propaganda of a country of "unfathomable evil" and "bogus lies" as before.
Google Inc. has become an enormous company, partly due to their use of our personal information.
But they continue to neglect criminal activities such as SEO for reverse SEO attacks, excluding us from searches with keyword analogy attacks using their servers and creating fake search pages.
After all, neither the Japanese government nor anyone who makes a living from academics and speech has done anything to eradicate the country's anti-Japanese propaganda of "unfathomable evil" and "untruthful lies" by sending it out to the world in the language of each country.
Comfort women are not sex slaves.
Professor Ramseyer of Harvard University's article
The issue of comfort women has spread worldwide, with the image that the Japanese military used Korean women as "sex slaves" before the war.
Recently, a new statue of comfort women based on this claim was erected in Germany.
Against this backdrop, an academic paper by Professor J. Mark Ramseyer of Harvard University in the U.S., which theoretically and empirically shows that comfort women are an extension of the domestic prostitutes that were allowed under government regulations at the time, will be published in the International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 65, scheduled for publication in March. (Already available on the journal's website at https://www.ScienceDirect.com/science/article/pii/S014481882,0301848).
It is significant that Professor Ramseyer, who is not only a renowned corporate lawyer in the U.S. but also a great expert in Japanese studies, has developed an argument against the "comfort women = sex slaves" theory in an academic paper that has been peer-reviewed by other specialized researchers.
He analyzes any subject using the method of economics, which says that human beings pursue their own interests under given conditions.
Comfort women are no exception to this rule.
Based on the work of other researchers and historical documents from Japan and Korea at the time, this paper points out that both Korean and Japanese comfort women were authorized prostitutes, not "sex slaves" who were abducted by the Japanese military and forced into prostitution, and that the problem with comfort women was the recruiting agencies in Korea.
The following is a summary of the article with the permission of the professor. 
(Commentary and summary by Professor Yoshitaka Fukui, Aoyama Gakuin University) 
Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War
(Contracting for sex in the Pacific War) Abstract 
In the 1930s and 1940s, when Japanese troops marched into and retreated from East Asia, the military tried to control soldiers' risk of contracting venereal diseases and spreading them locally.
To this end, the military encouraged the establishment of semi-official brothels by private vendors near overseas military bases and prohibited soldiers from using other brothels in exchange for requiring vendors to provide strict hygiene control, including regular checkups of prostitutes.
Prostitutes were recruited by vendors mainly from Japan and Korea. Brothels that cooperated with the military were called "comfort stations," and prostitutes were called "comfort women.
Comfort stations were the overseas military analog of the authorized brothels in Japan and Korea at the time. 
What was the reality of the prostitution business in Japan at that time?
Prostitution was licensed and required weekly medical examinations, and in 1924, 50,100 licensed prostitutes were working in 11,500 licensed brothels.
There were so many women seeking work as licensed prostitutes that between 1920 and 1927, only 62% of job seekers in Tokyo were able to find work.
As a result, although there is no reliable data, it is believed that there were as many illegal prostitutes as authorized ones.
Women and brothels coincide in their intentions. 
Licensed prostitutes worked under indenture contracts that included the following.
An advance is paid to them or their parents, and they work until the total amount is paid or the contract expires, whichever comes first.
In the mid-1920s, advances ranged from 1,000 to 1,200 yen and were interest-free.
Two-thirds to three-quarters of the proceeds were taken by the brothel, with 60 percent of the remainder going to repay the advance and 40 percent to the individual.
In the case of a prostitute in Tokyo in 1925, the total annual wage was ¥655: ¥393 to repay the debt and ¥262 to be received by the prostitute [Incidentally, according to another article by Professor Ramseyer, the average annual wage of female factory workers in 1926 was ¥312]. 
Although some historians have argued that brothels cheated prostitutes out of their debts, this was not the case, at least not on a large scale.
In fact, the average working period of a prostitute was about three years, or half of the standard contract period of six years, before she finished repaying her debts. 
The indentured servitude contracts of prostitutes follow the logic of "credible commitment" in game theory.
Young women understand that prostitution is dangerous and demanding work and that even a short stint can damage their reputation, so they seek a reliable guarantee that they will be well compensated.
Brothels, on the other hand, need to motivate their prostitutes to satisfy their clients.
The indentured servant contract, in which a large sum of money is paid to the prostitute at the beginning with a cap on the duration of the agreement, and the more satisfied the customer is, the more she will be repaid and the sooner she can quit, is a good match for both parties. 
At the time, reformists in Japan were advocating a ban on prostitution, but criticism of women's abduction to brothels by recruiters was close to nonexistent.
Complaints by prostitutes themselves that they were being forced into prostitution by recruiters and brothels were also rare.
The target of criticism by reformists was parents who sold their daughters to brothels. 
During the Japanese occupation of Korea, a system similar to that in Japan was in place.
The number of illegal prostitutes in Korea was relatively high, and Korean women had been working as prostitutes abroad for decades before comfort stations were established.
The problem is that the Korean recruiters.
In establishing comfort stations in overseas war zones, the Japanese government was aware of the political risks.
While reformists in Japan had been calling for a ban on prostitution for decades, it was imperative to avoid the situation where it tricked naive young women into working for unscrupulous companies. 
The Ministry of Home Affairs asked recruiters to hire only women who were already working as prostitutes as comfort women and instructed the local police to directly confirm with the women that they were applying for their own volition and telling the women to return home immediately after the contract expired. 
However, there was a unique problem in Korea that was different from Japan.
There was, however, a unique problem in Korea that was different from that of Japan: the existence of a large number of specialized labor recruiters and their use of deceptive practices.
Not only prostitutes but also factory workers were recruited, but the recruitment irregularities reported in the newspapers were related to the sex industry, such as tricking women into going to overseas brothels. 
Neither the Japanese government nor the Governor-General of Korea forced women into prostitution, nor did the Japanese military cooperate with unscrupulous recruiters.
Nor did the Japanese military cooperate with unscrupulous recruiters, nor were they the sole providers of comfort women.
The problem lay with the recruiters in Korea who had been luring women to work in brothels for decades. 
The brothels hired comfort women under the same contract as licensed prostitutes in Japan, but there was a significant difference.
Reflecting the increased risk of working in distant battlefields, contract terms were shortened, usually two years, and in some cases even shorter.
In return for the greater risk, comfort women were paid more than prostitutes in Korea and Japan, who earned more than other jobs. 
Some researchers say that it further promoted the recruitment of comfort women at the end of the war, but the fact is the opposite.
As the war worsened, it mobilized women to work in munitions factories instead of men being drafted, and it moved prostitutes from brothels to factories. 
The women signed indentured servitude contracts of one or two years with the comfort stations, received a significant advance loan, went to the war zone, and returned to their hometowns after completing the contract period or repaying the advance loan in full before the deadline.




Professor Ramseyer of Harvard University's article

2021年04月13日 21時11分03秒 | 全般

Turntable of Civilization", the only blog in the post-war world, will soon start its crowdfunding campaign.
Just as Masayuki Takayama is the only journalist in the postwar world, "Turntable of Civilization" is the only blog postwar world.
With this cloud funding, we would like to obtain unlimited support from all over the world to continue the work of disseminating "Turntable of Civilization" for another 170 years.
Taking this opportunity, I will officially open the "Turntable of Civilization Transmission Workshop" in the "Da Vinci Workshop " style.
I have 100% confidence that I can eradicate the anti-Japanese propaganda from the country of "unfathomable evil" and "bogus lies" in the next ten years alone.
The Turntable of Civilization, which predicts that the following country to turn in 170 years will be Brazil with no fatal problems other than poverty, is one of the most important papers of the 21st century.
In the next 170 years, Brazil will be the following country to turn, and until then, the U.S. and Japan will have to lead the world in parallel.
The monthly magazines' WiLL, Hanada, and Sound Argument are full of genuine articles that demonstrate the 5W1H, a prerequisite for journalists and those who make a living from speech, academics, and others.
However, their manuscript fees will never be high.
The above-mentioned monthly magazine is full of papers by people who are writing genuine articles and laborious works for Japan and the world with very little pay.
I have my hands full just writing my articles and sending them out in Japanese and English translation.
I have to scan their papers, proofread them for errors, send them out, and then translate them into English and send them out.
I can't do more than that.
I'm sure they have their hands full just writing their papers.
It can't translate them into other languages and send them out.
But that will not change anything in the world.
If we are not careful, there is a greater risk that the world will go in the wrong direction due to stupid media.
Many so-called entertainers earn more than 100 million dollars a year simply by performing their instantaneous art on TV, without any research or verification based on 5W1H.
It is one of the entrapments inherent in a democratic society.
The above is from a notice I sent out the other day in English and Japanese.
I am 100% confident that we will eradicate the anti-Japanese propaganda from the country of "unfathomable evil" and "plausible lies" in the next ten years alone.
The following is from this month's issue of the monthly magazine Sound Argument.
I will publish all the articles on the special issue on historical warfare, including this one, in about 40 languages worldwide.
That work is the reason for my 100 percent confidence in eradicating anti-Japanese propaganda.
However, letting the criminal acts initiated by this scoundrel go unchecked is the same as letting the world continue to believe the anti-Japanese propaganda of a country of "unfathomable evil" and "bogus lies" as before.
Google Inc. has become an enormous company, partly due to their use of our personal information.
But they continue to neglect criminal activities such as SEO for reverse SEO attacks, excluding us from searches with keyword analogy attacks using their servers and creating fake search pages.
After all, neither the Japanese government nor anyone who makes a living from academics and speech has done anything to eradicate the country's anti-Japanese propaganda of "unfathomable evil" and "untruthful lies" by sending it out to the world in the language of each country.
Comfort women are not sex slaves.
Professor Ramseyer of Harvard University's article
The issue of comfort women has spread worldwide, with the image that the Japanese military used Korean women as "sex slaves" before the war.
Recently, a new statue of comfort women based on this claim was erected in Germany.
Against this backdrop, an academic paper by Professor J. Mark Ramseyer of Harvard University in the U.S., which theoretically and empirically shows that comfort women are an extension of the domestic prostitutes that were allowed under government regulations at the time, will be published in the International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 65, scheduled for publication in March. (Already available on the journal's website at https://www.ScienceDirect.com/science/article/pii/S014481882,0301848).
It is significant that Professor Ramseyer, who is not only a renowned corporate lawyer in the U.S. but also a great expert in Japanese studies, has developed an argument against the "comfort women = sex slaves" theory in an academic paper that has been peer-reviewed by other specialized researchers.
He analyzes any subject using the method of economics, which says that human beings pursue their own interests under given conditions.
Comfort women are no exception to this rule.
Based on the work of other researchers and historical documents from Japan and Korea at the time, this paper points out that both Korean and Japanese comfort women were authorized prostitutes, not "sex slaves" who were abducted by the Japanese military and forced into prostitution, and that the problem with comfort women was the recruiting agencies in Korea.
The following is a summary of the article with the permission of the professor. 
(Commentary and summary by Professor Yoshitaka Fukui, Aoyama Gakuin University) 
Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War
(Contracting for sex in the Pacific War) Abstract 
In the 1930s and 1940s, when Japanese troops marched into and retreated from East Asia, the military tried to control soldiers' risk of contracting venereal diseases and spreading them locally.
To this end, the military encouraged the establishment of semi-official brothels by private vendors near overseas military bases and prohibited soldiers from using other brothels in exchange for requiring vendors to provide strict hygiene control, including regular checkups of prostitutes.
Prostitutes were recruited by vendors mainly from Japan and Korea. Brothels that cooperated with the military were called "comfort stations," and prostitutes were called "comfort women.
Comfort stations were the overseas military analog of the authorized brothels in Japan and Korea at the time. 
What was the reality of the prostitution business in Japan at that time?
Prostitution was licensed and required weekly medical examinations, and in 1924, 50,100 licensed prostitutes were working in 11,500 licensed brothels.
There were so many women seeking work as licensed prostitutes that between 1920 and 1927, only 62% of job seekers in Tokyo were able to find work.
As a result, although there is no reliable data, it is believed that there were as many illegal prostitutes as authorized ones.
Women and brothels coincide in their intentions. 
Licensed prostitutes worked under indenture contracts that included the following.
An advance is paid to them or their parents, and they work until the total amount is paid or the contract expires, whichever comes first.
In the mid-1920s, advances ranged from 1,000 to 1,200 yen and were interest-free.
Two-thirds to three-quarters of the proceeds were taken by the brothel, with 60 percent of the remainder going to repay the advance and 40 percent to the individual.
In the case of a prostitute in Tokyo in 1925, the total annual wage was ¥655: ¥393 to repay the debt and ¥262 to be received by the prostitute [Incidentally, according to another article by Professor Ramseyer, the average annual wage of female factory workers in 1926 was ¥312]. 
Although some historians have argued that brothels cheated prostitutes out of their debts, this was not the case, at least not on a large scale.
In fact, the average working period of a prostitute was about three years, or half of the standard contract period of six years, before she finished repaying her debts. 
The indentured servitude contracts of prostitutes follow the logic of "credible commitment" in game theory.
Young women understand that prostitution is dangerous and demanding work and that even a short stint can damage their reputation, so they seek a reliable guarantee that they will be well compensated.
Brothels, on the other hand, need to motivate their prostitutes to satisfy their clients.
The indentured servant contract, in which a large sum of money is paid to the prostitute at the beginning with a cap on the duration of the agreement, and the more satisfied the customer is, the more she will be repaid and the sooner she can quit, is a good match for both parties. 
At the time, reformists in Japan were advocating a ban on prostitution, but criticism of women's abduction to brothels by recruiters was close to nonexistent.
Complaints by prostitutes themselves that they were being forced into prostitution by recruiters and brothels were also rare.
The target of criticism by reformists was parents who sold their daughters to brothels. 
During the Japanese occupation of Korea, a system similar to that in Japan was in place.
The number of illegal prostitutes in Korea was relatively high, and Korean women had been working as prostitutes abroad for decades before comfort stations were established.
The problem is that the Korean recruiters.
In establishing comfort stations in overseas war zones, the Japanese government was aware of the political risks.
While reformists in Japan had been calling for a ban on prostitution for decades, it was imperative to avoid the situation where it tricked naive young women into working for unscrupulous companies. 
The Ministry of Home Affairs asked recruiters to hire only women who were already working as prostitutes as comfort women and instructed the local police to directly confirm with the women that they were applying for their own volition and telling the women to return home immediately after the contract expired. 
However, there was a unique problem in Korea that was different from Japan.
There was, however, a unique problem in Korea that was different from that of Japan: the existence of a large number of specialized labor recruiters and their use of deceptive practices.
Not only prostitutes but also factory workers were recruited, but the recruitment irregularities reported in the newspapers were related to the sex industry, such as tricking women into going to overseas brothels. 
Neither the Japanese government nor the Governor-General of Korea forced women into prostitution, nor did the Japanese military cooperate with unscrupulous recruiters.
Nor did the Japanese military cooperate with unscrupulous recruiters, nor were they the sole providers of comfort women.
The problem lay with the recruiters in Korea who had been luring women to work in brothels for decades. 
The brothels hired comfort women under the same contract as licensed prostitutes in Japan, but there was a significant difference.
Reflecting the increased risk of working in distant battlefields, contract terms were shortened, usually two years, and in some cases even shorter.
In return for the greater risk, comfort women were paid more than prostitutes in Korea and Japan, who earned more than other jobs. 
Some researchers say that it further promoted the recruitment of comfort women at the end of the war, but the fact is the opposite.
As the war worsened, it mobilized women to work in munitions factories instead of men being drafted, and it moved prostitutes from brothels to factories. 
The women signed indentured servitude contracts of one or two years with the comfort stations, received a significant advance loan, went to the war zone, and returned to their hometowns after completing the contract period or repaying the advance loan in full before the deadline.





2021年04月13日 18時10分43秒 | 全般

本論文を含む、特集 歴史戦、に掲載された全ての論文を私は約40か国語の言語で世界中に発信する。
こうしたなか、米ハーバード大のJ・マーク・ラムザイヤー教授が、慰安婦が当時政府規制下で認められていた国内売春婦の延長線上の存在であることを理論的実証的に示した学術論文が、三月刊行予定の「インターナショナル・レビュー・オブ・ロー・アンド・エコノミクス」誌六十五巻に掲載される(雑誌ホームページですでに閲覧可能 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014481882,0301848)。
(解説・要約 青山学院大教授 福井義高) 
「太平洋戦争における性サービスの契約」(Contracting for sex in the Pacific War)要旨 
そのため、軍は海外軍事拠点近くに民間業者が半公式の売春宿(semi-oficial  brothel)を設置することを促し、売春婦(prostitute)の定期的な検診をはじめ、厳格な衛生管理を業者に求める代償として、兵士が他の売春宿を利用することを禁止した。
売春婦は業者によって主に日本と朝鮮から集められ、軍に協力する売春宿は「慰安所」(comfrotstation)、売春婦は「慰安婦」(comfort woman)と呼ばれた。
慰安所は当時の日本や朝鮮にあった公認の売春宿の海外軍隊バージョン(overseas military analogue)であった。 



2021年04月13日 17時59分01秒 | 全般

本論文を含む、特集 歴史戦、に掲載された全ての論文を私は約40か国語の言語で世界中に発信する。
こうしたなか、米ハーバード大のJ・マーク・ラムザイヤー教授が、慰安婦が当時政府規制下で認められていた国内売春婦の延長線上の存在であることを理論的実証的に示した学術論文が、三月刊行予定の「インターナショナル・レビュー・オブ・ロー・アンド・エコノミクス」誌六十五巻に掲載される(雑誌ホームページですでに閲覧可能 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014481882,0301848)。
(解説・要約 青山学院大教授 福井義高) 
「太平洋戦争における性サービスの契約」(Contracting for sex in the Pacific War)要旨 
そのため、軍は海外軍事拠点近くに民間業者が半公式の売春宿(semi-oficial  brothel)を設置することを促し、売春婦(prostitute)の定期的な検診をはじめ、厳格な衛生管理を業者に求める代償として、兵士が他の売春宿を利用することを禁止した。
売春婦は業者によって主に日本と朝鮮から集められ、軍に協力する売春宿は「慰安所」(comfrotstation)、売春婦は「慰安婦」(comfort woman)と呼ばれた。
慰安所は当時の日本や朝鮮にあった公認の売春宿の海外軍隊バージョン(overseas military analogue)であった。 


2021年04月13日 16時19分03秒 | 全般

每月雜誌的WiLL,Hanada和Sound Argument上充斥著真實的文章,這些文章證明了5W1H,這是新聞工作者以及以演講,學者和其他人士為生的人們的先決條件。


2021年04月13日 16時17分00秒 | 全般

每月杂志的WiLL,Hanada和Sound Argument充斥着真实的文章,这些文章证明了5W1H,这是新闻工作者以及以演讲,学者和其他人士为生的人们的前提。

Параллельно Японии придется вести за собой мир.

2021年04月13日 16時14分46秒 | 全般

Я не могу выполнять свою повседневную работу в одиночку.
Я могу отправлять сообщения на японском и переводить их с японского на английский.
Но я не могу выполнить работу по вставке, копированию на 40 языков и отправке.
Мой лучший друг помог мне с этим, и поэтому я продолжаю рассылать "Поворотный стол цивилизации".
Однако мой лучший друг очень близорук и никогда не имел отношения к компьютерам.
Тем не менее, он не трудился до сегодняшнего дня.
Однако он приближался к своему пределу. Бремя на его глазах было слишком большим.
Этот инцидент побудил меня официально открыть «Вертушку передачи цивилизаций» в стиле «Мастерская да Винчи».
Я хочу нанять хотя бы одного студента из Осакского или Киотского университета, чтобы он работал неполный рабочий день за 100 000 иен в месяц и продолжал посылать миру «Поворотный стол цивилизации», по крайней мере, еще десять лет.
В телевизионной программе я узнал, что гораздо меньше компаний, в которых студенты Киотского университета могут работать неполный рабочий день, по сравнению со студентами Токийского университета, и это их проблема.
Если этот проект будет успешным, я верю, что он поможет таким студентам.
Даже если я умру, если студенты Университета Осаки и Киотского университета воспользуются этим проектом, чтобы разослать миру «вертушку цивилизации» на как можно большем количестве языков, мир будет двигаться к подлинному миру.
Нынешняя нестабильная и опасная ситуация в мире изменится.
Я на 100% уверен, что только в ближайшие десять лет мы искореним антияпонскую пропаганду в стране «ужасного зла» и «правдоподобной лжи».
«Поворотный стол цивилизации» должен продолжить свою работу по информированию мира об аутентичных тезисах Японии на разных языках и передаче истинного положения вещей.
«Поворотный стол цивилизаций», предсказывающий, что следующей страной, которая перевернется через 170 лет, будет Бразилия, не имеющая никаких фатальных проблем, кроме бедности, является одним из самых важных документов 21 века.
В следующие 170 лет Бразилия станет следующей страной, а до тех пор США и Японии придется вести мир параллельно.
Ежемесячные журналы WiLL, Hanada и Sound Argument полны подлинных статей, демонстрирующих 5W1H, необходимое условие для журналистов и тех, кто зарабатывает на жизнь речью, учеными и другими.
Однако их гонорары за рукописи никогда не будут высокими.
Вышеупомянутый ежемесячный журнал полон статей людей, которые пишут подлинные статьи и трудоемкие работы для Японии и всего мира с очень небольшой оплатой.
Мои руки заняты тем, что я пишу собственные статьи и отправляю их в переводе на японский и английский языки.
Я должен сканировать их документы, вычитывать их на предмет ошибок, разослать их, а затем перевести на английский и разослать.
Большего я сделать не могу.
Я уверен, что они заняты только тем, что пишут свои бумаги.
Я не могу перевести их на другие языки и отправить их.
Но это ничего в мире не изменит.
Если они не будут осторожны, возрастет риск того, что мир пойдет не в том направлении из-за глупых СМИ.
Так называемые артисты зарабатывают более миллиарда долларов в год, просто демонстрируя свое мгновенное искусство на телевизоре, без каких-либо исследований или проверок на основе 5W1H.
Это одна из ловушек, присущих демократическому обществу.
Эта статья продолжается.

Le Japon devra diriger le monde en parallèle.

2021年04月13日 16時12分13秒 | 全般

Je ne peux pas faire mon travail quotidien seul.
Je peux envoyer des messages en japonais et les traduire du japonais vers l'anglais.
Mais je ne peux pas faire le travail de coller et de copier dans 40 langues et de l'envoyer.
Mon meilleur ami m'a aidé avec ça, et c'est pourquoi j'ai pu continuer à envoyer le "Turntable of Civilization".
Cependant, mon meilleur ami est extrêmement myope et n'a jamais rien eu à voir avec les ordinateurs.
Même ainsi, il a travaillé dur jusqu'à aujourd'hui.
Cependant, il approchait de sa limite. Le fardeau sur ses yeux était trop important.
Cet incident m'a incité à ouvrir officiellement le "Turntable of Civilization Transmission Workshop" dans le style "Da Vinci Workshop".
Je souhaite embaucher au moins un étudiant d'Osaka ou de l'Université de Kyoto pour travailler à temps partiel pour 100 000 yens par mois et continuer à envoyer le «plateau tournant de la civilisation» au monde pendant au moins dix ans.
Dans un programme de télévision, j'ai appris qu'il y a beaucoup moins d'entreprises où les étudiants de l'Université de Kyoto peuvent travailler à temps partiel par rapport aux étudiants de l'Université de Tokyo, ce qui est leur problème.
Si ce projet réussit, je pense qu'il aidera ces étudiants.
Même si je meurs, si les étudiants de l’Université d’Osaka et de l’Université de Kyoto utilisent ce projet pour envoyer la «plaque tournante de la civilisation» au monde dans autant de langues que possible, le monde évoluera vers une paix authentique.
La situation mondiale actuelle instable et dangereuse va changer.
Je suis convaincu à 100% que nous éliminerons la propagande anti-japonaise du pays du «mal abyssal» et des «mensonges plausibles» au cours des dix prochaines années seulement.
Le plateau tournant de la civilisation devrait poursuivre son travail d'information du monde sur la thèse authentique du Japon dans diverses langues et de transmettre la vérité sur la question.
La plaque tournante des civilisations, qui prédit que le pays suivant à tourner dans 170 ans sera le Brésil sans autre problème mortel que la pauvreté, est l'un des documents les plus importants du 21e siècle.
Dans les 170 prochaines années, le Brésil sera le pays suivant à se tourner, et d'ici là, les États-Unis et le Japon devront diriger le monde en parallèle.
Les magazines mensuels WiLL, Hanada et Sound Argument regorgent d'articles authentiques qui démontrent le 5W1H, une condition préalable pour les journalistes et ceux qui vivent de la parole, des universitaires et autres.
Cependant, leurs frais de manuscrit ne seront jamais élevés.
Le magazine mensuel mentionné ci-dessus regorge d'articles rédigés par des personnes qui rédigent des articles authentiques et des ouvrages laborieux pour le Japon et le monde avec très peu de salaire.
J'ai les mains pleines juste pour écrire mes propres articles et les envoyer en traduction japonaise et anglaise.
Je dois scanner leurs papiers, les relire pour les erreurs, les envoyer, puis les traduire en anglais et les envoyer.
Je ne peux pas faire grand chose de plus.
Je suis sûr qu'ils ont les mains pleines en écrivant leurs papiers.
Je ne peux pas les traduire dans d'autres langues et les envoyer.
Mais cela ne changera rien au monde.
S'ils ne font pas attention, il y a un plus grand risque que le monde aille dans la mauvaise direction à cause de médias stupides.
Les soi-disant artistes gagnent plus d'un milliard de dollars par an simplement en exécutant leur art instantané à la télévision, sans aucune recherche ni vérification basée sur 5W1H.
C'est l'un des pièges inhérents à une société démocratique.
Cet article continue.

Japan wird parallel die Welt führen müssen.

2021年04月13日 16時09分55秒 | 全般

Ich kann meine tägliche Arbeit nicht alleine erledigen.
Ich kann Nachrichten auf Japanisch versenden und sie vom Japanischen ins Englische übersetzen.
Aber ich kann nicht in 40 Sprachen einfügen, kopieren und versenden.
Mein bester Freund hat mir dabei geholfen, und deshalb konnte ich immer wieder den "Turntable of Civilization" verschicken.
Mein bester Freund ist jedoch sehr kurzsichtig und hatte noch nie etwas mit Computern zu tun.
Trotzdem hat es bis heute hart gearbeitet.
Es näherte sich jedoch seiner Grenze. Die Belastung für seine Augen war zu groß.
Dieser Vorfall hat mich veranlasst, den "Turntable of Civilization Transmission Workshop" im Stil des "Da Vinci Workshop" offiziell zu eröffnen.
Ich möchte mindestens einen Studenten aus Osaka oder der Universität Kyoto einstellen, um Teilzeit für 100.000 Yen pro Monat zu arbeiten und den "Turntable of Civilization" noch mindestens zehn Jahre lang an die Welt zu senden.
In einem TV-Programm habe ich erfahren, dass es weit weniger Unternehmen gibt, in denen Studenten der Universität Kyoto Teilzeit arbeiten können als Studenten der Universität Tokio, was ihr Problem ist.
Wenn dieses Projekt erfolgreich ist, glaube ich, dass es solchen Studenten helfen wird.
Selbst wenn ich sterbe, wenn die Studenten der Universität Osaka und der Universität Kyoto dieses Projekt nutzen, um den "Plattenteller der Zivilisation" in so vielen Sprachen wie möglich an die Welt zu senden, wird sich die Welt in Richtung echten Friedens bewegen.
Die derzeitige instabile und gefährliche Weltlage wird sich ändern.
Ich bin zu 100% zuversichtlich, dass wir die antijapanische Propaganda allein in den nächsten zehn Jahren aus dem Land des "abgründigen Bösen" und der "plausiblen Lügen" auslöschen werden.
Der Turntable of Civilization sollte seine Arbeit fortsetzen, die Welt über Japans authentische These in verschiedenen Sprachen zu informieren und die Wahrheit der Sache zu vermitteln.
Der Plattenteller der Zivilisationen, der vorhersagt, dass das folgende Land in 170 Jahren Brasilien sein wird, ohne andere fatale Probleme als Armut, ist eines der wichtigsten Papiere des 21. Jahrhunderts.
In den nächsten 170 Jahren wird Brasilien das folgende Land sein, und bis dahin müssen die USA und Japan die Welt parallel führen.
Die monatlichen Magazine WiLL, Hanada und Sound Argument sind voll von echten Artikeln, die den 5W1H demonstrieren, eine Voraussetzung für Journalisten und diejenigen, die von Sprache, Wissenschaft und anderen leben.
Ihre Manuskriptgebühren werden jedoch niemals hoch sein.
Das oben erwähnte Monatsmagazin ist voll von Artikeln von Menschen, die echte Artikel und mühsame Werke für Japan und die Welt mit sehr geringem Lohn schreiben.
Ich habe alle Hände voll zu tun, nur meine eigenen Artikel zu schreiben und sie in japanischer und englischer Übersetzung zu versenden.
Ich muss ihre Papiere scannen, sie auf Fehler korrigieren, sie versenden und sie dann ins Englische übersetzen und verschicken.
Mehr kann ich nicht tun.
Ich bin sicher, sie haben alle Hände voll zu tun, nur um ihre Papiere zu schreiben.
Ich kann sie nicht in andere Sprachen übersetzen und versenden.
Aber das wird nichts auf der Welt ändern.
Wenn sie nicht aufpassen, besteht ein größeres Risiko, dass die Welt aufgrund dummer Medien in die falsche Richtung geht.
Sogenannte Entertainer verdienen mehr als eine Milliarde Dollar pro Jahr, indem sie ihre augenblickliche Kunst auf TV ausführen, ohne dass eine Recherche oder Überprüfung auf der Grundlage von 5W1H durchgeführt wird.
Es ist eine der Fallen, die einer demokratischen Gesellschaft innewohnen.
Dieser Artikel wird fortgesetzt.

Japón tendrá que liderar el mundo en paralelo.

2021年04月13日 16時07分51秒 | 全般

No puedo hacer mi trabajo diario solo.
Puedo enviar mensajes en japonés y traducirlos del japonés al inglés.
Pero no puedo hacer el trabajo de pegar y copiar en 40 idiomas y enviarlo.
Mi mejor amigo me ayudó con eso, y por eso he podido seguir enviando el "Turntable of Civilization".
Sin embargo, mi mejor amigo es extremadamente miope y nunca ha tenido nada que ver con las computadoras.
Aun así, ha trabajado duro hasta hoy.
Sin embargo, se estaba acercando a su límite. La carga sobre sus ojos era demasiado significativa.
Este incidente me ha llevado a inaugurar oficialmente el "Taller de transmisión de la plataforma giratoria de la civilización" al estilo "Taller Da Vinci".
Quiero contratar al menos a un estudiante de Osaka o de la Universidad de Kioto para que trabaje a tiempo parcial por 100.000 yenes al mes y continuar enviando el "Tocadiscos de la civilización" al mundo durante al menos otros diez años.
En un programa de televisión, aprendí que hay muchas menos empresas donde los estudiantes de la Universidad de Kyoto pueden trabajar a tiempo parcial en comparación con los estudiantes de la Universidad de Tokio, que es su problema.
Si este proyecto tiene éxito, creo que ayudará a esos estudiantes.
Incluso si muero, si los estudiantes de la Universidad de Osaka y de la Universidad de Kioto utilizan este proyecto para enviar el "tocadiscos de la civilización" al mundo en tantos idiomas como sea posible, el mundo avanzará hacia una paz genuina.
La actual situación mundial inestable y peligrosa cambiará.
Estoy 100% seguro de que erradicaremos la propaganda antijaponesa del país de la "maldad abismal" y las "mentiras plausibles" solo en los próximos diez años.
El Turntable of Civilization debería continuar su trabajo de informar al mundo de la tesis auténtica de Japón en varios idiomas y transmitir la verdad del asunto.
The Turntable of Civilizations, que predice que el siguiente país en cumplir 170 años será Brasil sin problemas fatales más que la pobreza, es uno de los papeles más importantes del siglo XXI.
En los próximos 170 años, Brasil será el siguiente país en girar, y hasta entonces, Estados Unidos y Japón tendrán que liderar el mundo en paralelo.
Las revistas WiLL, Hanada y Sound Argument de las revistas mensuales están llenas de artículos genuinos que demuestran el 5W1H, un requisito previo para los periodistas y quienes se ganan la vida con el habla, los académicos y otros.
Sin embargo, sus tarifas de manuscrito nunca serán altas.
La revista mensual antes mencionada está llena de artículos de personas que están escribiendo artículos genuinos y trabajos laboriosos para Japón y el mundo con muy poca paga.
Estoy muy ocupado escribiendo mis propios artículos y enviándolos en traducción japonesa e inglesa.
Tengo que escanear sus trabajos, revisarlos en busca de errores, enviarlos y luego traducirlos al inglés y enviarlos.
No puedo hacer mucho más que eso.
Estoy seguro de que están ocupados escribiendo sus artículos.
No puedo traducirlos a otros idiomas y enviarlos.
Pero eso no cambiará nada en el mundo.
Si no tienen cuidado, existe un mayor riesgo de que el mundo vaya en la dirección equivocada debido a los estúpidos medios de comunicación.
Los supuestos animadores ganan más de mil millones de dólares al año simplemente realizando su arte instantáneo en la televisión, sin ninguna investigación o verificación basada en 5W1H.
Es una de las trampas inherentes a una sociedad democrática.
Este artículo continúa.

Japan måste leda världen parallellt.

2021年04月13日 16時04分10秒 | 全般

Jag kan inte göra mitt dagliga arbete ensam.
Jag kan skicka meddelanden på japanska och översätta dem från japanska till engelska.
Men jag kan inte göra jobbet med att klistra in och kopiera till 40 språk och skicka ut det.
Min bästa vän hjälpte mig med det, och det är därför jag har kunnat fortsätta att skicka ut "Turntable of Civilization.
Min bästa vän är dock ytterst närsynt och har aldrig haft något att göra med datorer.
Ändå har det fungerat hårt fram till idag.
Det närmade sig dock sin gräns. Börden på ögonen var för stor.
Denna incident har fått mig att officiellt öppna "Turntable of Civilization Transmission Workshop" i "Da Vinci Workshop" -stil.
Jag vill anställa minst en student från Osaka eller Kyoto-universitetet för att arbeta deltid för 100 000 yen per månad och fortsätta att skicka ut "Civilization Turntable" till världen i minst tio år till.
I ett TV-program lärde jag mig att det finns mycket färre företag där Kyoto-universitetsstudenter kan arbeta deltid jämfört med Tokyo-universitetsstudenter, vilket är deras problem.
Om detta projekt lyckas tror jag att det kommer att hjälpa sådana studenter.
Även om jag dör, om studenterna från Osaka University och Kyoto University använder detta projekt för att skicka ut "civilisationens skivspelare" till världen på så många språk som möjligt, kommer världen att gå mot äkta fred.
Den nuvarande instabila och farliga världssituationen kommer att förändras.
Jag är 100% övertygad om att vi kommer att utrota den anti-japanska propagandan från landet av "avskyvärda onda" och "troliga lögner" bara under de närmaste tio åren.
Turntable of Civilization bör fortsätta sitt arbete med att informera världen om Japans autentiska avhandling på olika språk och förmedla sanningen i saken.
Civilisationens skivspelare, som förutspår att följande land som vänder sig om 170 år kommer att vara Brasilien utan andra dödliga problem än fattigdom, är ett av de viktigaste tidningarna under 2000-talet.
Under de närmaste 170 åren kommer Brasilien att vara det följande landet som vänder sig och fram till dess måste USA och Japan leda världen parallellt.
Månadstidningarna WiLL, Hanada och Sound Argument är fulla av äkta artiklar som visar 5W1H, en förutsättning för journalister och de som lever av tal, akademiker och andra.
Men deras manuskriptavgifter kommer aldrig att bli höga.
Ovan nämnda månadstidning är full av tidningar av människor som skriver äkta artiklar och mödosamma verk för Japan och världen med mycket lite lön.
Jag har mina händer fulla av att bara skriva mina egna artiklar och skicka ut dem i japansk och engelsk översättning.
Jag måste skanna deras papper, korrekturläsa dem för fel, skicka ut dem och sedan översätta dem till engelska och skicka ut dem.
Jag kan inte göra mycket mer än så.
Jag är säker på att de har händerna fulla bara skriver sina papper.
Jag kan inte översätta dem till andra språk och skicka ut dem.
Men det kommer inte att förändra någonting i världen.
Om de inte är försiktiga finns det en större risk att världen går åt fel håll på grund av dumma medier.
Så kallade underhållare tjänar mer än en miljard dollar per år helt enkelt genom att utföra sin omedelbara konst på T.V., utan någon undersökning eller verifiering baserad på 5W1H.
Det är en av de fångster som finns i ett demokratiskt samhälle.Denna artikel fortsätter.

Il Giappone dovrà guidare il mondo parallelamente.

2021年04月13日 16時02分08秒 | 全般

Non posso fare il mio lavoro quotidiano da solo.
Posso inviare messaggi in giapponese e tradurli dal giapponese all'inglese.
Ma non posso fare il lavoro di incollare e copiare in 40 lingue e inviarlo.
Il mio migliore amico mi ha aiutato in questo, ed è per questo che sono stato in grado di continuare a inviare il "Giradischi della civiltà".
Tuttavia, il mio migliore amico è estremamente miope e non ha mai avuto nulla a che fare con i computer.
Anche così, ha lavorato duramente fino ad oggi.
Tuttavia, si stava avvicinando al limite. Il peso sui suoi occhi era troppo significativo.
Questo incidente mi ha spinto ad aprire ufficialmente il "Turntable of Civilization Transmission Workshop" in stile "Da Vinci Workshop".
Voglio assumere almeno uno studente dell'Università di Osaka o di Kyoto per lavorare part-time per 100.000 yen al mese e continuare a inviare il "Giradischi della civiltà" al mondo per almeno altri dieci anni.
In un programma televisivo, ho imparato che ci sono molte meno aziende in cui gli studenti dell'Università di Kyoto possono lavorare part-time rispetto agli studenti dell'Università di Tokyo, che è il loro problema.
Se questo progetto avrà successo, credo che aiuterà questi studenti.
Anche se morissi, se gli studenti dell'Università di Osaka e dell'Università di Kyoto utilizzassero questo progetto per inviare il "giradischi della civiltà" al mondo in quante più lingue possibili, il mondo si muoverà verso la pace autentica.
L'attuale situazione mondiale instabile e pericolosa cambierà.
Sono fiducioso al 100% che sradicheremo la propaganda anti-giapponese dal paese del "male abissale" e delle "bugie plausibili" solo nei prossimi dieci anni.
Il giradischi della civiltà dovrebbe continuare il suo lavoro di informare il mondo delle tesi autentiche del Giappone in varie lingue e di trasmettere la verità della questione.
Il giradischi delle civiltà, che prevede che il prossimo paese che compirà 170 anni sarà il Brasile senza problemi fatali diversi dalla povertà, è uno dei giornali più importanti del 21 ° secolo.
Nei prossimi 170 anni, il Brasile sarà il prossimo paese a girare e, fino ad allora, gli Stati Uniti e il Giappone dovranno guidare il mondo in parallelo.
Le riviste mensili WiLL, Hanada e Sound Argument sono piene di articoli autentici che dimostrano il 5W1H, un prerequisito per i giornalisti e coloro che si guadagnano da vivere con la parola, gli accademici e altri.
Tuttavia, le loro commissioni sui manoscritti non saranno mai elevate.
La suddetta rivista mensile è piena di documenti di persone che stanno scrivendo articoli autentici e lavori laboriosi per il Giappone e il mondo con una paga molto bassa.
Ho le mani occupate solo scrivendo i miei articoli e spedendoli in traduzione giapponese e inglese.
Devo scansionare i loro documenti, correggerli per errori, inviarli e poi tradurli in inglese e inviarli.
Non posso fare molto di più.
Sono sicuro che hanno le mani occupate solo scrivendo i loro documenti.
Non posso tradurli in altre lingue e inviarli.
Ma questo non cambierà nulla al mondo.
Se non stanno attenti, c'è un rischio maggiore che il mondo vada nella direzione sbagliata a causa di mezzi stupidi.
I cosiddetti intrattenitori guadagnano più di un miliardo di dollari all'anno semplicemente eseguendo la loro arte istantanea in TV, senza alcuna ricerca o verifica basata su 5W1H.
È una delle trappole insite in una società democratica.
Questo articolo continua.

سيتعين على اليابان أن تقود العالم بالتوازي.

2021年04月13日 16時01分31秒 | 全般

لا أستطيع أن أقوم بعملي اليومي بمفردي.
يمكنني إرسال رسائل باللغة اليابانية وترجمتها من اليابانية إلى الإنجليزية.
لكن لا يمكنني القيام بعمل اللصق والنسخ إلى 40 لغة وإرسالها.
ساعدني أعز أصدقائي في ذلك ، ولهذا السبب تمكنت من الاستمرار في إرسال "القرص الدوار للحضارة.
ومع ذلك ، فإن أعز أصدقائي قصر نظر للغاية ولم يكن له أي علاقة بأجهزة الكمبيوتر.
ومع ذلك ، فقد عملت بجد حتى اليوم.
ومع ذلك ، كان يقترب من الحد الأقصى. كان العبء على عينيها كبيرا جدا.
دفعتني هذه الحادثة إلى الافتتاح الرسمي "لورشة عمل القرص الدوار لنقل الحضارة" بأسلوب "ورشة دافنشي".
أريد تعيين طالب واحد على الأقل من أوساكا أو جامعة كيوتو للعمل بدوام جزئي مقابل 100000 ين شهريًا ومواصلة إرسال "القرص الدوار للحضارة" إلى العالم لمدة عشر سنوات أخرى على الأقل.
في برنامج تلفزيوني ، علمت أن هناك عددًا أقل بكثير من الشركات حيث يمكن لطلاب جامعة كيوتو العمل بدوام جزئي مقارنة بطلاب جامعة طوكيو ، وهي مشكلتهم.
إذا نجح هذا المشروع ، أعتقد أنه سيساعد هؤلاء الطلاب.
حتى لو مت ، إذا استخدم طلاب جامعة أوساكا وجامعة كيوتو هذا المشروع لإرسال "القرص الدوار للحضارة" إلى العالم بأكبر عدد ممكن من اللغات ، فسوف يتحرك العالم نحو سلام حقيقي.
سوف يتغير الوضع الحالي غير المستقر والخطير في العالم.
أنا واثق بنسبة 100٪ من أننا سنقضي على الدعاية المعادية لليابان من بلد "الشر البغيض" و "الأكاذيب المعقولة" في السنوات العشر القادمة وحدها.
يجب أن يواصل القرص الدوار للحضارة عمله لإعلام العالم بأطروحة اليابان الأصيلة بلغات مختلفة ونقل حقيقة الأمر.
يعتبر القرص الدوار للحضارات ، الذي يتنبأ بأن الدولة التالية التي ستتحول بعد 170 عامًا هي البرازيل بدون مشاكل قاتلة بخلاف الفقر ، واحدة من أهم الأوراق في القرن الحادي والعشرين.
في الـ170 عامًا القادمة ، ستكون البرازيل هي الدولة التالية التي ستتحول ، وحتى ذلك الحين ، سيتعين على الولايات المتحدة واليابان قيادة العالم بشكل متوازٍ.
المجلات الشهرية WiLL و Hanada و Sound Argument مليئة بالمقالات الحقيقية التي توضح 5W1H ، وهو شرط أساسي للصحفيين وأولئك الذين يكسبون رزقهم من الكلام والأكاديميين وغيرهم.
ومع ذلك ، فإن رسوم مخطوطاتهم لن تكون عالية أبدًا
المجلة الشهرية المذكورة أعلاه مليئة بالأوراق التي كتبها أشخاص يكتبون مقالات حقيقية وأعمال شاقة لليابان والعالم بأجر ضئيل للغاية.
لديّ يدي ممتلئة بمجرد كتابة مقالاتي وإرسالها بالترجمة اليابانية والإنجليزية.
يجب أن أقوم بمسح أوراقهم ضوئيًا ، وتصحيحها بحثًا عن الأخطاء ، وإرسالها ، ثم ترجمتها إلى اللغة الإنجليزية وإرسالها.
لا أستطيع أن أفعل أكثر من ذلك بكثير.
أنا متأكد من أن أيديهم ممتلئة بمجرد كتابة أوراقهم.
لا يمكنني ترجمتها إلى لغات أخرى وإرسالها.
لكن هذا لن يغير أي شيء في العالم.
إذا لم يكونوا حذرين ، فهناك خطر أكبر من أن يسير العالم في الاتجاه الخاطئ بسبب وسائل الإعلام الغبية.
يكسب الفنانون المزعومون أكثر من مليار دولار سنويًا ببساطة عن طريق أداء فنهم الفوري على التلفزيون ، دون أي بحث أو تحقق يعتمد على 5W1H.
إنه أحد الأفخاخ المتأصلة في المجتمع الديمقراطي.
يستمر هذا المقال.

Japan sal parallel die wêreld moet lei.

2021年04月13日 15時59分39秒 | 全般

Ek kan nie my daaglikse werk alleen doen nie.
Ek kan boodskappe in Japannees uitstuur en dit van Japans na Engels vertaal.
Maar ek kan nie die werk doen om in 40 tale te plak en te kopieer en dit uit te stuur nie.
My beste vriend het my daarmee gehelp, en daarom kon ek die "Turntable of Civilization" uitstuur.
My beste vriend is egter uiters bysiende en het nog nooit iets met rekenaars te doen gehad nie.
Tog het dit tot vandag toe hard gewerk.
Dit het egter sy limiet nader. Die las op sy oë was te beduidend.
Hierdie voorval het my aangespoor om die "Turntable of Civilization Transmission Workshop" amptelik in die "Da Vinci Workshop" -styl te open.
Ek wil minstens een student van Osaka of die Universiteit van Kyoto huur om deeltyds vir 100.000 yen per maand te werk en die "Turntable of Civilization" vir ten minste nog tien jaar aan die wêreld uit te stuur.
In 'n TV-program het ek geleer dat daar baie minder ondernemings is waar studente van die Kyoto-universiteit deeltyds kan werk in vergelyking met die Universiteit van Tokio, wat hul probleem is.
As hierdie projek suksesvol is, glo ek dat dit sulke studente sal help.
Al sterf ek, en as die studente van die Osaka-universiteit en die Kyoto-universiteit hierdie projek gebruik om die "draaitafel van die beskawing" in soveel moontlik tale na die wêreld uit te stuur, sal die wêreld in die rigting van ware vrede beweeg.
Die huidige onstabiele en gevaarlike wêreldsituasie sal verander.
Ek is 100% vol vertroue dat ons die anti-Japannese propaganda uit die land van 'afgrondige boosheid' en 'aanneemlike leuens' slegs in die volgende tien jaar sal uitroei.
Die draaitafel van die beskawing moet voortgaan om die wêreld van die outentieke proefskrif van Japan in verskillende tale in te lig en die waarheid oor die saak oor te dra.
Die draaitafel van beskawings, wat voorspel dat die volgende land wat oor 170 jaar sal draai, Brasilië sal wees sonder noodlottige probleme behalwe armoede, is een van die belangrikste artikels van die 21ste eeu.
In die volgende 170 jaar sal Brasilië die volgende land wees, en tot dan sal die VSA en Japan die wêreld parallel moet lei.
Die maandblaaie 'WiLL, Hanada en Sound Argument is vol ware artikels wat die 5W1H demonstreer, 'n voorvereiste vir joernaliste en diegene wat 'n bestaan ​​maak uit spraak, akademici en ander.
Hul fooie vir manuskripte sal egter nooit hoog wees nie.
Die bogenoemde maandblad bevat vol artikels van mense wat met baie min betaling werklike artikels en moeisame werke vir Japan en die wêreld skryf.
Ek het my hande vol net om my eie artikels te skryf en dit in Japannese en Engelse vertaling uit te stuur.
Ek moet hul vraestelle skandeer, proeflees vir foute, uitstuur en dan in Engels vertaal en uitstuur.
Ek kan nie veel meer as dit doen nie.
Ek is seker hulle het hul hande vol net om hul vraestelle te skryf.
Ek kan dit nie in ander tale vertaal en uitstuur nie.
Maar dit sal niks in die wêreld verander nie.
As hulle nie versigtig is nie, is daar 'n groter risiko dat die wêreld in die verkeerde rigting gaan as gevolg van dom media.
Sogenaamde entertainers verdien meer as 'n miljard dollar per jaar deur bloot hul onmiddellike kuns op TV uit te voer, sonder enige ondersoek of verifikasie gebaseer op 5W1H.
Dit is een van die vasgevanges wat inherent is aan 'n demokratiese samelewing.
Hierdie artikel gaan voort.