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2005-02-05 | food
I was presented these strawberries a few days ago.

They looked very fresh and were good to eat.
It was the first time to eat it this year.

We can eat it all year round these days as farmers grow it in the greenhouses.
Though it is applicable to many vegetables and fruits, I wonder it is good or bad.
If we grow it under natural conditions, we can eat it only May.

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I like strawberry (Minatsuki)
2005-02-07 11:39:27
It's hard for us to feel sense of the season from vesitables & fruits because we can eat them all year round. We can say that it became convienient, even though there's a disadvantage that unseasonable vesitables doesn't have enough nutrition.

P.S. I like Toyonoka strawberry.
I like too. (ya421)
2005-02-07 19:56:39
It contains much vitamine C, so it's good for our health and beauty.

Besides it's delicious!

I like every fruit.

Now I am eating apples and tangerines every day.

