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2006-01-13 | new product

 I bought a printer yesterday.
My printer which I had used had been broken at the end of last year after I printed new year's card.
So I took it to the store I had bought, but the clerk of the store said that buying new one was better.
So I decided to buy a new one.
This EPSON's PM-G730 is the one I bought.
I have to read the manual not to break this one.


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clever! (Minatsuki)
2006-01-14 10:28:25
Your old printer was so clever that it finished it's life after you printed New Year's cards! It's as if it knew when is the best time to get out of order, isn't it?

And how's the new one? Recent printer is becoming better year by year. I want to buy new one, but mine is still working hard, so I'll have to wait to buy new one for thetime being.

That's true ! (ya421)
2006-01-14 19:34:34
My old printer was really clever !

But I wanted to keep using it longer, because I had used it for only three years.

Besides I seldom used it.

I tried using a new printer today.

It was nice !


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