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Na-i-su-ka-cchi ;(ナイス蚊っち)

2005-06-22 | new product

Thanks to Miss Minatsuki, I could get this product.

Reading this article, I ordered this instrument named  ナイス蚊っち the other day.
The one which I wanted was running out of stock when I ordered, so I ordered this one.
In a few days, it was sent to me.
Shizusan who likes new things was also very interested in it and tried using it.

I will be able to kill mosquitoes, flies, spiders and so on with this 'nice kacchi' from now on.

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Hi! (Minatsuki)
2005-06-27 22:29:01
Oh, you've bought it! But it was a pity that the same one with mine had run out. It has a possibility that bugs get through between the steal strings, doesn't it? How do you like it? You swing it every day? Hehehe!

It's useful !! (ya421)
2005-06-28 13:38:12
Thank you for telling me the URL of the shop.

I am sorry a little as I couldn't buy the same one as you.

All my family are very interested in it, and we are using it very often.

Using this instrument, I feel pity a little because the insect was killed by static electricity and I can hear the sound and see the lightning at the moment.

But we must kill them anyway.
You're sooo (Minatsuki)
2005-06-29 07:32:20
Hahaha! You're sooo kind! I've never felt sorry for them like you. On the contrary, I enjoy hearing the sound when I use it and I'm glad I can prevent to be bitten by mossies. Don't be sympathetic to them, it's for keeping our peaceful lives! ← too exaggerated, isn't it? Hahaha!

Good morning!! (ya421)
2005-06-29 11:29:33
I'll be accustomed to using it soon.

I just had a feeling like that.

So I'm not going to be sympathetic to them.

Thank you !!



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