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New house

2004-11-22 | diary
This morning I visited a newly-built house.

It is a Western -style building of two-storied one for two-households.
The design of inside is a tasteful one using lot's of woods.
Every room is functional and very nice.
There is a system kitchen, a bathroom, a toilet and a walk-in-closet on each floor.
But tatami-room is only one.

Recently old-Japanese-style houses which have many tatami-rooms are getting fewer.
Most of them have some wood-floored private rooms and a family room and so on.
The design of the houses are changing little by little in Japan.

I saw this flower(ha-na-ki-ri-n) there.
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I thought so, too.. (Minatsuki)
2004-11-23 11:28:32
I thought the same way when I went to see model houses the other day. Every houses had only one tatami mat room... The number of Japanese who always use chairs in their lives got increased & the number of Japanese children who can't sit on their legs is also increasing, their legs are longer than children in old days though...

I like being lazy & relax on tatami mat. Especially in the winter, tatami mat is essential to put my legs into Kotatsu & sleep there.
Japaneese! (ya421)
2004-11-23 15:18:29
We are Japanese, aren't we?

Both seem to like Japanese style.

Young people seem to like Western one, but we the middle-aged? seem to prefer Japanese.

To relax especially in winter, tatami is best, I also think.

