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Day of Ox at midsummer

2005-07-28 | food
 Today is 'the Day of Ox at midsummer'.

We have a custom to eat eels this day in Japan.

The custom seemed to have begun at Edo period.
There was a eel shop, but the owner couldn't sell eels so much.
So he consulted Hiraga Gennai who was a very famous scholar about the way of selling well.
Then he hit a good idea of eating eels this day.

In fact eels are very nutritious and rich in vitamine A, E, B and so on.

Let's eat eels for summer heat prevention !!
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4 コメント

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Good idea !! (ya421)
2005-07-31 11:36:37
Gennai-san might be a first ad-person as you say.

It's an interesting idea !!

Gennai-san was a first ad-person (shunrando)
2005-07-30 19:54:22

Gennai-san was a first ad-person as a copywriter in Japan I think.

Anyhow I 'd like to purchase cheaper kabayaki after Doyo-season for my domestic account.

Hello !! (ya421)
2005-07-29 10:33:54
I didn't know the story.

It's very humorous.
smell (Nichelbird)
2005-07-28 18:22:09
Hello! ya421

Do you know this story?

A cheap man smelled a smell of kabayaki in front of an eel shop and ate a meal.

The master of the eel shop demanded the price for smell from the man.

The man took out a wallet and shook it and made a sound.

