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End of the rainy season

2005-07-18 | weather

Ground(Winter) cherry or Chinese lantern plant

  The  meteorological agency announced the end of the rainy season in Kanto-Koshin, Kinki, Chugoku and Tokai region.

It's very hot here in Okayama today.


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2 コメント

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Hi ! (ya421)
2005-07-19 20:31:56
It's very hot today too.

The flowers of ground cherries bloom and bear fruits every year.

I like the combination of the color of orange and yellow green.
Hot day (Nickelbird)
2005-07-19 10:06:11
Good morning, ya421.

It is long silence.

In Kanto region, the rainy season was over, and it was a hot day intensely.

This ground cherry is beautiful.

See you,

