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After harvest

2006-10-29 | rice field (farming)
We see these scenery in the rice fields now.
The rice harvest this year wasn't so rich as last year.
But my husband is satisfied with the amount of the harvest.
After harvest, a dairy farmer near here are drying the rice plants for feeding the cows.
These plants will be piled up before long.

Click change !
Rice plants now
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Thank you ! (ya421)
2006-10-30 18:08:40
I\'m glad to read your comment.

As you say, the shutter chance in the evening is very short.

I was lucky to be able to take these pictures.
What a beautiful evening it is! (Cakeater)
2006-10-29 18:01:45
You got a very short shutter chance of the rice field!


rice field (farming)」カテゴリの最新記事