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2005-04-12 | new product
This is a cyberphone called 'Skype' that my son sent to us yesterday.

It is a kind of IP-phone which allows us to use telephone free of charge.
We can call long without worrying about charge.

The name of this product is 'livedoor-skype USB CyberphoneK'.
As you know 'Livedoor' is a company famous for Ho-ri-e-mo-n.
I didn't know the company is selling a product like this.

Anyone using computer can set up this phone.

The world has been changed very fast!!

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2 コメント

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Unknown (かんこ)
2005-04-14 14:04:56
I know skype.It is good telephone system.

But skype don't spread in Japan.If it become popular,we call more lighthearted.

Of course,I don't have skype,normal phone in my house.I have only cellular phone!!
Good evening !! (ya421)
2005-04-14 21:24:29
Thank you for comming to this blog.

This phone is very useful.

The best point of this phone is the charge is free.

By the way, I always enjoy visiting your blog.

You are a good writer, arn't you?

Please keep writing.

See you!!



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