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Cloud in the sky

2004-11-13 | weather
It was cold a little this morning.

In Tokyo area, it is said to have blown 'a nipping winter wind no.1';(ko-ga-ra-shi 1 go-u) early this morning.
It is the beginning of winter!

This picture was taken about 3 o'clock in hthe afternoon.

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3 コメント

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lovely sky, wasn''t it? (Minatsuki)
2004-11-13 21:42:00
It was lovely sky there today, wasn't it? It wasn't here fortunately and was almost all day, I could occasionally see sunshine though. Even though I hung up my futon this morning, I shouldn't have done it. I was stupid for believe weather forcast. I would have to sleep in cold futon.
How are you ? (ya421)
2004-11-14 11:16:07
Wasn't your 'futon ' cold last night?

Be careful not to have a cold.

There is a saying 'What is unsettled are woman's feeling and the wheather in fall'.
I could sleep well. (Minatsuki)
2004-11-14 16:33:07
My futon was OK after all. It was cold when I slipped me into it, but it got warm after a while and I fell asleep so soon.

