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Proverb 47

2005-07-20 | proverb
Plantain lily;(Gi-bo-u-shi)

Money makes the mare (to) go.

Money is necessary for us to live, but I don't want to become the slave of money.

Let's use money, not be used by money!!
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2 コメント

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Hosta (Nickelbird)
2005-07-20 22:59:31
Hi1 ya421

Thank you visiting to my blog.

Hosta(Plantain lily) is used for a shadow garden well in the U.K.

It was brought in from the Orient in the 16th century by a plant hunter.

There are much cultivation kinds in the Orient and the West.

There are reimported thing.

I like this plant and ther are two kinds in my yard.
Hi! (ya421)
2005-07-21 20:33:30
I hadn't been interested in this flower.

But I'm looking for the flowers to take pictures nowadays.

Looking at carefully, every flower has it's own beauty and I like all of them.

As a result, taking pictures gives me a new world.


