


2011-03-19 20:45:25 | 音楽芸能

 一つとせ 一番づつに積み込んで 川口押し込む大矢声 浜ァ 大漁だね
 二つとせ 二葉の沖から外川まで 続いて寄せ来る大鰯 浜ァ 大漁だね
 三つとせ みな一同にまねをあげ 通わせ船のにぎやかさ 浜ァ 大漁だね
 四つとせ 夜昼焚いても焚きあまる 三ばい一ちょのおお鰯 浜ァ 大漁だね
 五つとせ いつ来てみても干鰯場は あき間もすき間も更にない 浜ァ 大漁だね
 六つとせ 六つから六つまで粕割が おお割小割で手に追はれ 浜ァ 大漁だね
 七つとせ 名高き利根川高瀬ぶね 粕やあぶらを積みおくる 浜ァ 大漁だね
 八つとせ 八手の沖から若い衆が 万祝衣そろえて宮まいり 浜ァ 大漁だね
 九つとせ この浦まもる川口の 明神御利やくあらはせり 浜ァ 大漁だね
 十とせ  十をかさねて百となり 千をとびこす万漁年 浜ァ 大漁だね

The first ship,filled up with fish,
squeezes her way through the river-mouth,with great shouting.
 O this ship of great fishing!

From he offing of Futaba even to the Togawa,
the ships,fast following,press in,with a great shouting.
 O this ship of great fishing! 

when,all together,we hoist our signal-flags,
ee how fast the cargo-boats come hurrying !
 O this ship of great fishing!

Night and day through the boiling be,there is still too much to boil-oh,
the heaps iwasi from the three ships together.
 O this ship of great fishing!

whenever you go to look at the place where the dried fish are kept,
never do you find any room-not even a crevice.
 O this ship of great fishing!

Form six to six o'clock is cleaning and washing;
the great cutting and the small cutting are more than can be done.
 O this ship of great fishing!

All up and down the famous river Tonegawa
we send our loads of oil and fertilizer.
 O this ship of great fishing!

All the young folk,drawing the Yatai-bune,
with ten thousand rejoicings,visit the shrine of the God.
 O this ship of great fishing!

Augustly protecting all the cost,
the Deity of the river-mouth shows to us his divine favor.
 O this ship of great fishing!