from today's Nikkei

2007年07月12日 13時52分09秒 | 新聞記事から
年金巡り与野党応酬 安倍首相「打てる対策実施」 小沢代表「基礎年金は税で」 参院選きょう公示
The 21th House of Councillors election kicks off today. Ahead of the election start, The Jpan Press Club hosted on Wednesday political party's leader discussion panel in Tokyo. Ruling bloc leaders and opposition bloc leaders sparred with each other over the issues such as SIA 's public pension blunders.Prime Minister Shinzo be said that the government will implement all necessary measures it can do so that we can go back on a normal track in terms with the pension issue.Democratic Party of Japan President Ichiro Ozawa said that basic portion of the pension benefit should be shouldered by tax,not by people's paying premiums.
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