年金確認委 「確からしい」は原則支給 基本方針 週内にも判定開始 給与明細や雇用主証言も証拠に
The pension record confirmation outsider central committee,chaired by Takaeshi Kajitani,established under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications,for examining whether the government should pay pension benifits to those who have claimed they have long payed their pension premiums but have had no evidences, has decided Monday on the basic satndards for the benifits to be paid. The committee decided so that when the claim of a person concernd is not definitely irrational and seems to be sure, the person should be,in general,included among the eligible pension benifit receivers. It also made sure what kind of materials will prove the evidence,showing that pay rolls or employers' witness could be sufficient for it.The government is going to start receiving people's claims acros the nation at its 50 designated locations within the week.
The pension record confirmation outsider central committee,chaired by Takaeshi Kajitani,established under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications,for examining whether the government should pay pension benifits to those who have claimed they have long payed their pension premiums but have had no evidences, has decided Monday on the basic satndards for the benifits to be paid. The committee decided so that when the claim of a person concernd is not definitely irrational and seems to be sure, the person should be,in general,included among the eligible pension benifit receivers. It also made sure what kind of materials will prove the evidence,showing that pay rolls or employers' witness could be sufficient for it.The government is going to start receiving people's claims acros the nation at its 50 designated locations within the week.