from today's Nikkei

2007年07月31日 08時09分02秒 | 新聞記事から
与野党、見えぬ次の一手 改造は9月 自民、危機対応鈍く 小沢氏不在 民主、好機に音なし 政治資金規正法再改正 首相が検討指示
Although the Liberal Democratic Party got a historical landslide defeat in the House of Councillors election on Sunday, it approved calmly on monday that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe continues his post.The cabinet reshuffle is expected to be done in September, which means drowsiness(slowness) of the party to cope with crisis.However,in the part of the Democratic Party of Japan also, there are some curious things, like that President Ichiro Ozawa has never appeared in the public scenes since Saturday.So the party has voiced nothing meaningful in spite of now staying at good opportunity after its glandslide victory.Then it can be said that both ruling and opposition parties have never found out their next tactics.With regard to the political fund control law, the prime minister instructed ministries and agencies concerned to again revise the law.
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