景気粘り腰 内外需底堅く グローバル化が恩恵 資源高・市場急変リスクも 米の減速を新興国補う 高額消費に盛り返しも 政策対応の気は抜けず
Japan's economy has been steadily expanding. Although U.S. economy has been declining, Japan's exports has been stable with exports to developing and resources-rich countries picking up.This means in a sense Japan's economy has benefited from globalization,but on the other hand,always faces such risks as resources' price hikes and sudden market changes.The cuurent situation has no showy aspect, but a tough aspect.Nevertheless, authorities in charge of financial and economic affairs cannnot feel at home for a while in navigating economy.
Japan's economy has been steadily expanding. Although U.S. economy has been declining, Japan's exports has been stable with exports to developing and resources-rich countries picking up.This means in a sense Japan's economy has benefited from globalization,but on the other hand,always faces such risks as resources' price hikes and sudden market changes.The cuurent situation has no showy aspect, but a tough aspect.Nevertheless, authorities in charge of financial and economic affairs cannnot feel at home for a while in navigating economy.