公立病院再編 交付税で支援 「基幹病院」に機能集約 総務省検討 高度医療提供/医師を効率配置
The Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry has started to discuss how the central government support the allignment of the local public hospitals operated by each municipality by efficiently using tax allocation from the central government to the local ones.According to the ministry's plan, they intend to place much importance on the so-called hub hospitals in each community,which are expected to implement a high-quality medical treatment in each place,and deploy doctors there with priority,while deminishing the scale of the surrounding medical facilities of them to clinics and such ones ,where a smaller number of doctors could afford to give services.
参考:how the central government support the allignment of ・・・の動詞support は単数ではない。ここでは動詞の原形がくる。should が省略されているとみてもよい。