from today's Nikkei

2007年07月07日 15時34分15秒 | 新聞記事から
東芝 原発事業 カザフと連携 対国営企業 米WH株10%譲渡 ウラン鉱石確保

Toshiba Corporation and U.S. Westinghouse Electric Company will make an alliance with a state-run corporation in Kazakhstan,which has the world' second largest uranium reserves.Specificlly, Toshiba will transfer its 10% stake of WH to the Kazakhstan's state-run corporation.Currently,Toshiba and WH are doing the business of supplying uranium-related fuels to nuclear power stations in the world.Kazakhstan' corporation will coperate with Toshiba and WH in supplying the uranium fuels.Given the fears that uranium will fall into shortage,securing uranium would be a key factor in nuclear power generation business.
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