from today's Nikkei

2009年04月09日 10時38分51秒 | 新聞記事から
追加経済対策 財政支出15兆円に 贈与税、非課税枠610万円に 子ども手当、第1子から

The government and ruling parties entered into their final negotiations on Wednesday to allocate the state's spending of as much as 15 trillion yen for the additional economic pump-priming measure in the fiscal 2009 extra budget.It is estimated that the 15 trilion yen spending from the national treasury,which could be called "fresh water," will lead to bigger programs or businesses,whose sacle on a moneytary basis would be more than 50 trillion yen.

With regard to the donation tax reduction,which has been discussed and one of focal points, the tax-free range will be extended by 5 million yen from the current 1.1 million yen to 6.6 million yen with the condition that the transferred capital should be used for purchasing or repairing of houses.

In terms of social security initiative,which has been an agendum between the Liberal Democratic Party and the New Komeito,they reached an agreement to establish a new scheme named "The Child and Family Supporting Allowance," under which 36,000 yen a year should be paid for the child who is three years old and more and not yet attending the primary school.

With these factors above-mentiond included,the fiscal 2009 extra budget is expected to be the largest ever as an economic measure's extra budget.
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