from today's Nikkei

2009年04月14日 15時30分45秒 | 新聞記事から
住金、インドに製鉄所 高炉から一貫 合弁設立検討 2000-3000億円投資 15メド稼働 自動車向け供給

According to sources familiar with the matter,Sumitomo Metal Industries,Ltd. has launched its deliberation of setting up a joint venture in India for producing steels there with consisten procedures from blast furnce.The partner company for the joint venture is an Indian company and they expect the first production will begin around 2015.The total amount of investment for Sumitomo Metal industries would be 200-300 billion yen.It is the first time Japanese steel maker will bulid a blast furnace in India.The products there will be shipped mainly for the automobile industry.
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