from today's Nikkei

2009年04月15日 10時29分13秒 | 新聞記事から
銀行機密情報 租税回避地に開示要請 脱税防止へ条約に規定 政府、まずスイスに 

The government has decided to launch on stopping tax evasion through so-called "tax haven." Specifically, it plans to reach an agreement with other countries by which the countries come to able to exchange the primarily confidential information about customers of banks located in each country. Abd in terms of tax investigation, the countries involved in the scheme will cooperate with each other.With as many as 20 of countrieas and areas already invloved in the scheme,Japan entered into the negotiation with Swiss for revising their tax treaty. Other candidate countries and area Japan are seeking to conclude the related tax treaty are Singapore,Monaco and Hong Kong.
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