from today's Nikkei

2009年04月08日 10時36分43秒 | 新聞記事から
省エネ家電5%還元 政府・与党追加経済対策 国費でポイント 薄型TVには上乗せ 地デジ普及促進

The government and ruling parties decided on Wednesday to establish a new scheme for promoting the use of so-called energy-saving household appliances with regard to an additional economic pump-priming measure.According to the idea included in the plan, when consumers purchase some designated energy-saving household appliances, they can get EPAs-eco action points-,which woud be corresponding to 5% of the price for which they have purchased the product. Using the EPAs,thye can buy other products. When they purchase the flat-panel TVs for terrestrial digital broadcasting, they can get further added-on points of EPA.The related budget necessary for the scheme will be included in the 2009 extra budget, and through the enactment, the scheme commences as soon as possible,starting in July in the earliest( scenario).
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